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The Follow-up Email - How to Ask For Updates Respectfully

When you’re trying to find a job, you will likely land yourself an interview. And in focusing solely on preparing for the interview, many applicants find themselves lost on what to do next.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

When you’re trying to find a job, you will likely land yourself an interview. And in focusing solely on preparing for the interview, many applicants find themselves lost on what to do next.

The waiting can be nerve-racking, especially if you don’t know when to expect a response from the recruiter. And sadly, some hiring managers tend to ghost their applicants instead of simply rejecting them.

When you’re in this weird limbo, you may be wondering if and when it’s okay to contact the hiring manager for an update. After all, recruiters can get busy with interviews and may not respond immediately. But then again, perhaps too much time has passed since the interview to have no updates at all.

If you’re not sure whether or not to send a follow-up email after an interview, this article is for you. Here’s what you need to know about the follow-up email.

Is It Okay to Send a Follow-Up Email?

Many applicants might be hesitant to send a follow-up email as they might not be sure if it follows proper hiring etiquette. They might not want to seem too eager about the job, or perhaps they don’t want to come off as disrespectful.

The truth is, it’s perfectly fine to send a follow-up email after your interview. This shows the hiring manager that you are interested and that you practice good communication. The key to sending a respectful follow-up email is to know when to send it and how to construct it.

When Should You Send a Follow-Up Email?

You don’t want to send a follow-up email too soon. Allow the employers time to evaluate your interview and decide whether or not you proceed to the next step of the hiring process.

If the interviewer mentions a time frame of when to expect a response from them, don’t send a follow-up email before this date. If the time frame has elapsed and you have yet to hear from them, it’s now okay to send a follow-up email.

In the case that the interviewer did not state when they will contact you again, it’s best to wait a few days to a week before sending a follow-up email. Never send a follow-up email on the same day as your interview, as this can seem bad.

What Should You Include in a Follow-Up Email?

When you’re constructing a follow-up email, it’s best to maintain a professional tone. Be clear and concise, and avoid joking around.

To get the interviewer to notice your follow-up email, it’s best to reply to the most recent email from them. Make sure to mention your name, the position you were interviewed for, and the date of your interview, as hiring managers can entertain many applicants at a time and get confused.

Be polite and direct. Explain to them that you are requesting an update on the progress of your application. Restate your interest by mentioning how you are looking forward to hearing about the next steps of the hiring process. And lastly, thank them for their time and sign off the email.


It’s essential to stay professional and polite when sending a follow-up email. Wait until the expected time frame has elapsed or a few days after your interview to ask for updates. Be straightforward and explain that you are asking for updates and would love to learn more about the next steps of the hiring process. And don’t forget to thank them before signing off the email.

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