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Graduate Advice
5 min read

Why Graduates Choose To Join Professional Organisations

If you have recently graduated and you are now, or aspire to be soon, on the career ladder then one of the wisest decisions you can make would be to join a well respected organisation or association which has links to your chosen profession.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 3, 2023

If you have recently graduated and you are now, or aspire to be soon, on the career ladder then one of the wisest decisions you can make would be to join a well respected organisation or association which has links to your chosen profession. The various organisations offer not only a wealth of resources but also offer opportunities to forge meaningful and useful connections. These connections will undoubtedly help you to enhance your skills and stay on top of industry trends as you progress along your chosen career path.

There are numerous positives associated with becoming a part of a professional organisation and a major reason is that it will offer you fantastic networking opportunities. You will meet experienced professionals, potential mentors and like minded peers, potentially from a global network. Having this support will prove invaluable as there will always be someone who can offer advice, guidance or their professional insight.

You can also be introduced to proactive professionals who have similar goals and aspirations as well as successful and highly respected professionals who have many years of experience and can ultimately open doors for you regarding future job opportunities. Associations often have access to upcoming job vacancies and can post job information which are exclusively aimed at their members.

For sustainable career growth, it is imperative that you stay informed of the very latest developments and trends in the industry you work in. Professional associations often offer access to various events, seminars, conferences and webinars which are hosted by industry experts. These offer a chance to expand on your comprehension of your role by consulting those who have refined their skills and knowledge over time and are in a position to pass this expertise on.

These professional opportunities may include openings for educational resources and professional certifications that can further enhance your visibility in the often competitive jobs market.

Membership, especially active membership, where you are contributing and utilising the resources, in a professional organisation will show a potential employer that you are dedicated and proactive and take your profession very seriously. Membership can make you stand out in interviews and of course, is highly impressive to include in your CV when looking for a job as employers look for professionals who are proactive in furthering their skills and eager to progress.

Joining an association can often present leadership roles which will help you gain a good, solid reputation within your industry as well as developing essential leadership qualities. As an active participant, you may become a well respected advocate where you promote change and ensure your opinions and voice as well as that of other professionals, is heard and recognised.

Taking the initiative to join a professional organisation early on in your career will have a significant positive impact with many ongoing benefits. Investing in your professional development and growth shortly after graduation, can be the beginning of a fulfilling and prosperous career.

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