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5 min read

What To Consider When Looking For A Job

When deciding to get a new job, it is of no significance whether this will be your first job, a job after being out of work for a while due to a variety of reasons, or your thirty-seventh job. In addition to that, it also doesn’t matter if you are sure of the type of work you want or perhaps you are still undecided although it does help if you know roughly what you may like to do.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
June 30, 2023

When deciding to get a new job, it is of no significance whether this will be your first job, a job after being out of work for a while due to a variety of reasons, or your thirty-seventh job. In addition to that, it also doesn’t matter if you are sure of  the type of work you want or perhaps you are still undecided although it does help if you know roughly what you may like to do.

If you are feeling unsure about where to start and how to go about searching for a job then following a few easy steps may help you in your search in order to narrow it down.

It may be wise to think about travel. How many miles would you be willing to travel to and from your job? If it is a particular location you wish to work in, have you researched how long it would take to get there by car and of times of trains and buses if needed? Perhaps there are car shares available or would you hope the job to be within walking or cycling distance? Think about travelling there in all seasons and identify any potential difficulties you may encounter.

Decide what type of work you feel you would enjoy. Perhaps you would enjoy a hospital environment or you are drawn towards customer service or retail - all which have hundreds of different roles with contrasting responsibilities set within different departments. Take time to become familiar with the various roles and research them to see where you would like to fit in or work towards.

Identify your strengths. Everyone is gifted in some way or another, whether you realise it or not. Perhaps you have a keen and meticulous eye for detail, or you may have the ability to get on with people of all walks of life and immediately put them at ease or you could be an astounding mathematician. Whatever your gift, interest or hobby, could you see yourself utilising them within a paid role?

Ensure you broaden your searches for jobs by using all that is at your disposal and make certain that you use keywords when you search for employment vacancies online which will allow algorithms on search platforms to identify them. Some companies do not always advertise their jobs so therefore it may be worth directly contacting a company you are interested in. For this, you will need to enclose an up to date CV so taking time is getting yours just right.

Sometimes, despite your best intentions, the job you are after may be out of reach as you may not have the suitable qualifications or experience required. Instead of feeling dispirited, research how you can get the training or experience. You could embark on further education or offer to do some voluntary work, both of which will also look impressive on your CV.

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