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What is the Difference Between a Career VS a Job?

Here we give a little more insight into careers VS jobs.
Written by
Olivia Batten
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Everyone has a different attitude when it comes to having a career versus having a job. Although they can be seen as the same thing there is one major difference, your attitude. Do you want the opportunity to progress and climb the ladder of your dream industry? Or do you consider work a mere 9-5 that pays your bills? Understanding what you want out of your position will lead you in the right direction.

Comparing a job to a career

How you view your employment will depend on several things. For some, securing a stable position that pays a good wage is enough to keep them satisfied in one role for most of their lives and that’s okay. For others, each role they have is a stepping stone to achieving their career goals. However, you cannot have one without the other so it’s important to recognise the crossover.

Here are some of the ways that you can make distinctions between a job and a career:


● A job may be seen as just a way to earn money.

● Jobs without a career aspiration may have minimal impact on your future work life.

● A job offers fewer networking opportunities.

● When you work at a job, you will complete all of your daily work but may not be seeking opportunities to go the extra mile and progress.

● Each of your jobs may be unrelated to the other.

● Considering your work as just simply a job can lead to low satisfaction.

● You are less likely to take risks and changes will most likely be from external sources.


● A career involves carefully planned steps that help you to progress within the industry or field.

● The jobs you choose will provide experience to fuel your future and get to your end goal.

● You go above and beyond your responsibilities and seeking new opportunities to progress.

● Your career is often developed by working for several employers while keeping your aspirations in mind.

● Doing everything you can to grow in your career can keep you happy and motivated.

● You are more likely to take risks to get to the next level.

How to turn a job into a career

If you want to turn your job into a career, there is no reason why you can’t. The first thing you need to do is identify some goals and decide which areas you are interested in and where you would like to get to. Consider the following points for starting your career:

● Seek out new opportunities to grow your skills.

● Make the leap and start a new job that will lead to your desired career.

● Start a training course or gain new qualifications.

● Look for roles that will support career progression.

Attending the UK Career Fair is a great way of exploring your options. Join hundreds of motivated individuals and meet with employers from all industries. Keep up to date with our events page for more information.


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