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5 min read

What Are The Differences Between Virtual and Traditional Career Fairs?

If you’ve been looking for a job, you’ve probably heard of events like career fairs. If you’ve never attended one, they’re opportunities to meet potential employers, learn more about their companies, network with them, and acquire valuable insight into the job market.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

If you’ve been looking for a job, you’ve probably heard of events like career fairs. If you’ve never attended one, they’re opportunities to meet potential employers, learn more about their companies, network with them, and acquire valuable insight into the job market. Armed with this information, you can tailor your application more specifically and increase your chances of getting hired.

However, due to the pandemic, there are now virtual job fairs that you can attend from the comfort of your home. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between virtual and traditional career fairs:

  1. Accessibility

Virtual career fairs are easy to attend regardless of where you live. All you need is a good WiFi connection to scout job opportunities with companies all over the world. The best part is that you won’t have to uproot your life and settle down in another country—for most of these jobs, they’re remote, so you can focus on networking and finding an opening that suits your goals best.

On the other hand, traditional job fairs require you to show up in person, which means you are restricted by your geographical proximity. It also affects prospective employers; if they don’t show up to the career fair you attend, you won’t be able to talk to them. Sometimes, these fairs are situated in awkward locations as well, making it difficult to attend. However, we hold careers fairs throughout the UK, which means you’ll be guaranteed to have access to one near you.

  1. Creating Connections

Online job fairs make it easier to communicate with companies since you’ll meet with them digitally and converse through online messages. That means you should make sure that your quality of writing is unprecedented if you want to catch their attention. Be prepared to talk your way into a solid job offer or the beginning of a good recruitment process by practising how you present your skills and qualifications.

Meanwhile, you’ll meet company representatives face to face in traditional career fairs, which means you’ll have to polish your interpersonal skills to win their attention. Use your confidence and charming personality to appeal to potential employers and grow your network with other job seekers, who may present you with an irresistible job opportunity in the future.

  1. Efficiency

Virtual career fairs offer companies the chance to preselect the potential candidates they’d want to talk to, based on the attendees’ online profiles. This feature is to ensure that companies talk to only the most relevant candidates. If you have a company you want to appeal to, make sure you tailor your profile accordingly. That also means virtual career fairs are more time-efficient for both parties, as participants enjoy a higher chance of speaking to the companies they want to work for, while employers can set their eyes on top talent.

Conversely, traditional job fairs are more about networking and getting to know companies rather than securing a new job or accessing a recruitment process. You may spend most of your day acquainting yourself with these businesses only to find out that there’s no chemistry between you and the representative. You can make some worthwhile connections here, but it will take time, which will be inevitably worth the effort.


Career fairs are a great way to accelerate your job hunt and find a company that will bring you closer to your career goals. By understanding the differences between virtual and traditional career fairs, you can widen your horizons and find a potential employer that resonates with your objectives and skillset the most.

For more career advice and opportunities to attend recruitment events, be sure to get in touch with us at The UK Careers Fair! We hold career fairs all over the UK, both in-person and virtual. Book a ticket today to get closer to securing your dream job!

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