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Utilising Feedback For Professional Growth

Giving and receiving feedback in the workplace is an extremely valuable tool that ensures professional development by offering personal insights into strengths and weaknesses and helps you to strive for continuous professional improvement.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
October 1, 2023

Giving and receiving feedback in the workplace is an extremely valuable tool that ensures professional development by offering personal insights into strengths and weaknesses and helps you to strive for continuous professional improvement. It also helps to push forward in your chosen discipline, enabling you to progress rapidly in your career and with confidence! Most companies will provide employees with regular feedback opportunities so they can perform at maximum efficiency. Companies often offer regular appraisals in which feedback will be given as well as the chance for you to verbalise your own comments.

To be able to learn valuable lessons from feedback, it is essential that you have an open mind and never view the feedback as a personal criticism of your capabilities or that you can not perform in your role competently, but to view it instead as a chance for personal growth. Embrace the opportunity that feedback gives and try to gain productive insights that can ultimately advance and not hinder your career path.

Be attentive when receiving feedback and listen well to what others are saying.This way nothing can be mistaken or misconstrued. Ask questions if you need clarification and show interest in comprehending the suggestions and opinions of others that have been involved in supplying feedback.

Seek feedback by being proactive within your role and actively seek advice, if appropriate, from colleagues, mentors and managers as this will assist you in gaining a much deeper insight of both your strengths and areas that you could improve upon. Always be open to learning and never be afraid to ask questions.

One of the most challenging aspects of being on the receiving end of feedback, is hearing something about ourselves that you do not like or agree with. Constructive criticism is only there for your benefit so you must view it as such and learn from it. After receiving any feedback, it is essential that you take time to absorb the information and evaluate it. Consider where improvements can be made and be proactive in achieving this instead of dwelling on any negative feelings you may have. Remember, even supervisors, managers and even the company itself will receive feedback and it will not always be glowing. Be accepting that everyone is striving to perform well and you can only do this feedback.

Set achievable goals for yourself and monitor your progress regarding this. Acknowledge your improvements and take time every now and again to really appreciate what you are achieving and of how this is helping you grow professionally.

This will put you in a ‘growth mindset’ and you will increasingly interpret challenges and feedback as opportunities for self improvement as you move along in your professional journey.

So as you can see, accepting feedback is a powerful tool for professional growth. Feedback can enable you to learn, grow and excel in your career which inevitably leads to ongoing success and a sense of immense personal fulfillment.

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