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CV Advice
5 min read

Top 10 Things Not To Include In Your CV

If you are looking for a job, your cv is the first thing that an employer sees. Hence, knowing what things to include and what things not to include in a cv is crucial.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

A CV is a document that should not be taken lightly when applying for a job. In fact, it's one of the first things a recruitment agency or hiring manager will look at to determine whether you are an ideal candidate. However, there are certain mistakes people make when writing CVs that can be detrimental to their job search.

Let's look at the top 10 things not to include in a CV.


Although some countries require photos on CVs, these should never be used when writing a CV in the United Kingdom. A photo could divert potential employers' attention away from your skills and toward your physical appearance.

Date of Birth

Same as with photographs, UK CVs do not require you to add your date of birth.

In fact, such information could work against you in the hiring process. For example, some employers may avoid hiring someone who is too young or too old.

Too Much Information

When it comes to including your hobbies in your CV, you want to include just the right amount of information in order to impress potential employers. Too much detail about your interests can actually have the opposite effect!


Employers are conducting increasingly vigorous background checks on candidates. This means that if you lie on your CV, there is a good chance you will be caught sooner or later.

You may pass the interview stage, but lies can also be uncovered at a later stage. In that case, lying could get you fired from your job, and it's just not worth the risk.

What You Want From the Job

Your CV should highlight what you can offer an employer rather than what you want from them. For example, don’t include details regarding wanting to change industries or entering a new field.

Instead, emphasize what you can do for their company.

Grammatical Errors

It is extremely important to always double-check your CV for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. You could ask a career professional or a friend to proofread it for you if necessary - this can help ensure that your CV looks polished and error-free.

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can often detract from what could otherwise be a strong application.

Negative Comments About Yourself

Your CV should always be positive, highlighting your knowledge and abilities. You should never express a lack of confidence in your skills – always be positive. Any negativity on your CV will only work against you.

It's important to remember that the CV is all about selling yourself to potential employers – so make sure every word counts!

Negative Comments About Previous Employers

It's never a good idea to speak negatively about any of your previous employers--no matter how terrible the experience may have been. Doing so will only reflect poorly on you and may cost you the opportunity to land your dream job.

There are better ways to frame your experiences, such as speaking about challenges you faced and how you overcame them. You can also focus on highlighting your skills and accomplishments while working at that company.

This will show potential employers that you're capable of delivering results, even in difficult situations.


There are a lot of things you can include in your CV, but make sure that every piece of information is relevant to the job you're applying for and puts you in a good position of landing it.

By knowing what things not to include in a CV, you'll be guaranteed an edge over other candidates—no matter which career path you choose!

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