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Graduate Advice
5 min read

Tips on Finding the Right Career For You

Everyone, as a fresh graduate, has the inspiration to be a leader, change the industry or change the world. While that can be possible, that may not happen with your first position. You want to make sure you're comfortable with the work to grow professionally.
Written by
Alan Writer
Guest Post
Published on
February 28, 2023

This is a tough one, as there are a lot of different things to consider when making a career. First, it's important to note that what you want to end up doing versus what you will end up doing can be two different thoughts. Everyone, as a fresh graduate, has the inspiration to be a leader, change the industry or change the world. While that can be possible, that may not happen with your first position. You want to make sure you're comfortable with the work to grow professionally.

Work on something you're good at

Many actual state that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. What if you aren't good at what you love? It's a better choice to consider looking at something where your skills align. This can help for rapid career advancement, get you on track to a position of decision-making, and make leadership happen faster. You’ll also get a better sense of fulfilment in the long term as you’ll be able to achieve success in your career path. 

It may be a tricky concept to swallow, but you'll eventually end up on a career track that combines your skill sets and what you may enjoy. In your career's early and formative years, you have several paths you can choose, but not always as many choices of what to do with those paths. As you refine your career choice, you will have multiple branches that completely correlate with what you're doing, sticking to one path that gives out many options. 

Pick something relevant

While at the same time it's most advisable to focus on what your skill set is at, you always want to look towards more in the future as well. You see how the global economy continues to shift towards a more technical and digital lifestyle and business practices. 

While many speculated by this time, all traditional jobs would be replaced by machines, which currently has not happened, it may be a wise decision to look at those types of careers that may be future-proof. With more competition on the horizon coming in every year with new graduates, you want to focus on something that is relevant at the same time. This is currently related to technology-related careers. 

Although you don’t need to be a programming developer, technology companies and similar areas could be a great way to build the fundamentals of your career. You’ll be able to work with various tools and methods and stay on top of current trends. This will help you keep relevance throughout your long career. 

Be open-minded

In the end, you're also not just stuck with one career option your whole life. So many people these days are able to easily switch out their careers multiple times and still have a fantastic professional life. It just takes dedication, focus, and passion to be applied to whatever career path you set yourself on. 

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