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CV Advice
5 min read

Telling Lies In Your CV - Would You Be Tempted?

Everyone tells lies every now and again, it is part of human nature. The so-called ‘white lies’ seem to cause less of a conscience for people because they do not usually cause harm to anyone. However, in the often fiercely competitive jobs market, some candidates may feel that telling a lie or two about their qualifications or experiences on their CV may get them to be considered for a job that they would otherwise be overlooked for.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 7, 2023

Everyone tells lies every now and again, it is part of human nature. The so-called ‘white lies’ seem to cause less of a conscience for people because they do not usually cause harm to anyone. However, in the often fiercely competitive jobs market, some candidates may feel that telling a lie or two about their qualifications or experiences on their CV may get them to be considered for a job that they would otherwise be overlooked for.

If you are applying for a job where you know there is significant competition, it may feel necessary to bend the truth by stating you have certain qualifications when in fact, you do not. However, by deciding to fabricate what you may or may not have qualifications in can damage your professional and personal reputation, as well as that of the company and can have quite devastating repercussions and consequences.

To appear more capable of fulfilling a certain role, some candidates may be tempted to exaggerate their accomplishments within past job responsibilities. While it may seem that you are likely to impress the interviewers at the time, the risk of being exposed during reference checks, or even if given a role and it is discovered that you do not possess the necessary attributes for the job, can have serious consequences.

Often a lack of experience can lead individuals to include a few ‘extras’ to make their work history appear interesting. However, you must understand that employers make thorough background checks, and often will contact previous employers to verify certain information. If it is found that you have been blatantly lying about your experiences then it will shatter your chances of employment and it will prove very difficult to regain trust. Due to professional networking which is on a global scale, many employers within similar industries will already be  acquainted with one another so in that respect, it is not wise to tell any untruth regarding experience or otherwise as you will undoubtedly be caught out sooner or later.

Telling lies on a CV poses significant risks for all involved. The consequences of being less than honest can result in immediate dismissal and if you may have caused or contributed towards a damaged reputation of a company, you could face severe and prolonged legal action.

Every employer is looking for honesty and integrity which are the values and ethos of most. To gain respect, employers will admire a candidate who demonstrates transparency and authenticity which shows above all else that they can be trusted and relied upon. Building a career based on trust and ethical morals can lead to long term success and opportunities for professional growth due to your excellent and unblemished reputation. Word travels fast within industries and so does reputation.

So, while the temptation to lie may seem at first, rather trivial, the consequences far outweigh any illusions you may have of benefitting yourself. In your job searches and interviews, arm yourself with honesty, integrity and ethical standards. By emphasising your genuine qualifications and transferable skills, you will allow your true personality to shine through. This will increase your chances of finding the right opportunities in the right environments and of building  a successful and professional career which is built upon a solid foundation of mutual trust.

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