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Graduate Advice
5 min read

Taking A Gap Year

Deciding to take a break by spending quality time working or simply travelling abroad can mean making a courageous and sometimes out of character decision for yourself as you start preparing to step outside of your comfort zone. It has been popular for students to take gap years for decades, sometimes before university starts and sometimes after finishing university and before full time employment starts. It's rather like an adventure of a lifetime before reality sets in!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
May 10, 2024

Deciding to take a break by spending quality time working or simply travelling abroad can mean making a courageous and sometimes out of character decision for yourself as you start preparing to step outside of your comfort zone. It has been popular for students to take gap years for decades, sometimes before university starts and sometimes after finishing university and before full time employment starts. It's rather like an adventure of a lifetime before reality sets in!

Gap years are not exclusively for students and an increasing number of older people are deciding that they need to escape the often monotonous routine that they feel that they have become trapped in. Sometimes it may be blamed on the dreaded mid life crisis or perhaps triggered by an unsettling and major life event such as an illness or a bereavement. On the other hand, the yearning for adventure may be brought on by something positive such as suddenly not having to worry too much about money, being your own boss, or even a feeling of now or never. Whatever the reason and whatever the circumstances, a gap year can be life changing and bring many rewards and experiences while teaching some really valuable lessons that will stay with you forever.

One thing to bear in mind is that a gap year does not necessarily mean a full year. For some, a few months is sufficient. A major part in where you go and for how long will be dependent upon finances. Some have a limited budget to spend and when it's gone it's gone. Others may be lucky enough to have a source of regular income while some will be able to work in the places they visit, which funds the lifestyle of the gap year so it is very important to know your budget beforehand and have a backup plan in case of unforeseen circumstances which can happen.

Do not let yourself be too influenced by others opinions and perhaps mixed reactions from those close to you. You will need to decide whether you want to travel alone, which will increase your self confidence and give you the autonomy to do what you want, when you want - or travel with others which will give you company and the chance to make new and likeminded relationships, especially if you arrange to meet your new travelling companions for the first time in an overseas location, which several companies specialise in.

Research where you will be going and try to have a plan to follow if travelling around from one place to another. Check how safe you will be and what precautionary measures may need to be taken as other cultures can vary enormously on what is acceptable and what is not. Always have emergency numbers or details in case of any difficulties and stay in regular contact with family and friends who will invariably worry about you. You must aim to fully adhere to the countries’ rules and to respect their cultures. Take time to look and see if visas or work permits may be required and of course, check that your passport is in date and not about to expire. Get all recommended vaccinations and adequate health insurance, details of which can be found at your local GP surgery or NHS websites.

Many people decide to document their adventures on their choice of social media, including the highs and the lows. This can prove to be extremely interesting and informative for others and you may inspire someone else to follow in your footsteps!

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