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Strategies For Successful Job Hunting

Job hunting is rarely a straightforward process and can have its challenges. However, with the right strategies, your job hunting journey can be far more effective and have a positive outcome.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 8, 2023

Job hunting is rarely a straightforward process and can have its challenges. However, with the right strategies, your job hunting journey can be far more effective and have a positive outcome.

Of course, you must be clear about defining your career goals and take some time out to be very clear with yourself about what you want. Assess your current skills, experience and interests. What type of job would align with your values? This will hopefully give you some clarity which in turn should help you focus on goals that you can visualise achieving.

As the job market within the UK is changeable, it is imperative that you stay constantly updated with what is happening. Take note of which industries are short staffed, which are thriving and which are not doing so well but be aware that this varies depending upon many factors. By doing this, you will gain invaluable knowledge regarding the different skills and qualifications that employers are looking for in potential candidates and this should enable you to target the correct companies, giving you a better chance of employment.

Your CV should be constantly updated and as I have mentioned in previous articles, a CV can be tailored to suit applications for certain companies which will highlight why you are best suited for the job. Format your CV to align with what the company requirements are. The CV should be well written, clear and concise.

Use online platforms which offer a large number of job opportunities across various industries and focus on building a network of professionals by connecting with online communities. This can often lead you in the direction of useful contacts and job opportunities that you may otherwise have missed. Make yourself prominent by connecting with professionals. Have discussions, share relevant content and be positively consistent across all social media and online platforms.

Be flexible yet persistent with your job hunting. Job hunting can be tiring and tedious with potential for disappointment but it is important to persevere and to stay focussed upon the outcome. You may have to take some detours on the road towards securing a job but with a positive mindset, you will reach your destination before long.

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