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Human Resources
5 min read

Should I Go To HR About Bullying?: Everything You Need To Know

Bullying doesn’t end with school; it can continue in the workplace and affect many adults. But, should you go to hr about bullying? Read to learn more.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

We are all used to hearing the word “bullying” in a school setting. However, bullying doesn’t end with school; it can continue in the workplace and affect many adults. But, how do you deal with such a situation? Should you go to HR about bullying?

Let’s take a close look into the matter.

Should I Go To HR About Bullying?

Yes, if someone is bullying you in your workplace, you should immediately report the incident to HR.

This will not only help Human Resources improve your situation, but it may drive them to rectify any existing work policy or overall spread more awareness on the issues of bullying.

Is Bullying Against The Law?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a dedicated law on bullying in the UK.  

However, if someone offends your or intimidates you, it could be seen as harassment, which is illegal under the Equality Act 2010.

The Equality Act 10 defines harassment as unwanted behaviour against certain traits to violate someone's dignity or cause a toxic, degrading and offensive environment for that person.

Here are the protected characteristics:

●     Age, sex, or sexuality

●     Marital status, maternity/paternity, pregnancy

●     Gender reassignment

●     Religion

●     Race

●     Disability

7 Clear Signs You Are Being Bullied at Work

Bullying may not seem obvious at times, so we have listed a few clear signs that show you are being bullied at work.

1. Intimidation

This refers to making repeated attempts to coerce others into performing tasks.

Intimidation often occurs when someone believes they are above others and do not respect other people’s point of view.

2. Taking Credit

Bullyism even comes in the form of taking credit for someone else’s work. If a colleague is doing this to you, speak to HR as soon as possible.

3. Talking Over You

Talking over someone is disrespectful, and doing so all the time shows that there is no interest in what others have to say.

Of course, this can simply happen because of excitement and having a lot to say, but if someone constantly talks over you is not normal.

4. Destructive Criticism

Every job entails some level of criticism. However, to provide constructive criticism, a coworker or boss should include suggestions on how the other person might learn from their mistakes.  

But when someone's criticism serves simply to bring other people down and denigrate them, then it is a form of bullying.

5. Humiliation

Humiliation is one of the most evident signs of bullying.  

Some examples include being told to do something you don't want to or being subjected to an unfunny joke in the workplace.  

6. Blocking Promotions

Ignoring your requests to be considered for a promotion or hiding information that could have benefited your job development is a clear indication of someone who doesn't want to see you happy.

7. Physical Violence

While workplace physical violence is not as common, it does occur.  

Be proactive in protecting your wellbeing at the first sign of physical violence.


Bullying affects several people in the workplace, so it is important to take action and report to HR whenever necessary. Nobody should ever have to suffer the scars that bullying causes to one’s mental health.

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