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Graduate Advice
5 min read

Reasons to Take an Internship as a Fresh Graduate

Internships are a great way to build your resume as a fresh graduate. They often provide valuable hands-on experience and connections with people who will be in the same industry as you in the future. This article will explore a few reasons why taking an internship is worth it for recent graduates.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Internships are a great way to build your resume as a fresh graduate. They often provide valuable hands-on experience and connections with people who will be in the same industry as you in the future. This article will explore a few reasons why taking an internship is worth it for recent graduates.

§  It will give you valuable work experience.

Having work experience is important for your CV and can help you stand out from the crowd.

Internships are a great way to gain insight into an industry, develop new skills, and meet people who may be able to give you career advice or support down the line.

It will teach you how to work within a team.

Teamwork is essential in almost all workplaces – even if that's just day-to-day office life. Having worked with colleagues before means having experienced what it's like working as part of a close-knit group, which could prove invaluable later in your career when making decisions about job offers etc. It will boost your confidence  Being able to talk confidently about some projects or achievements during interviews is key - research has shown that students who have completed an internship are viewed as more mature, confident, and better team players by potential employers. Having good experience to talk about could give you a significant advantage over other graduates applying for the same job. It will improve your skills.

Working under pressure, time management, communication, etc., can be developed through internships. The last thing any graduate wants is their lack of practical experience holding them back - so why not get some now?

§  You'll be able to network with professionals in your field.

Networking with professionals in your field is one of the most important things you can do as a fresh graduate. You'll be able to ask those who have been working for years how they got their careers off the ground and what advice they would give to someone starting, which will help you avoid mistakes that could set back your career later on. In addition, having this kind of personal connection with people within an industry or company always looks good when applying for jobs down the road.

This is one of the reasons why taking an internship as a fresh grad makes sense because it allows them to network with professional colleagues before entering the workforce full time. This also gives young graduates more insight into different opportunities available at specific companies and if it is a good fit for them.

§  It'll look great on your resume and help you stand out from the competition.

Internships add value and can be a great way to stand out from other candidates when looking for your first job after graduation.

An internship will add value to your resume or CV (curriculum vitae), which is important in the job market where competition is high since many fresh graduates compete for the same jobs.

A good way to increase your chances of getting hired once you graduate with a degree in marketing, sales, business administration, etc., would be by taking an internship as early as possible during college and doing well at it. A successful internship could make you more competitive against others who will apply for the same position following graduation!

§  You can make connections that could lead to future job offers or opportunities.

Making connections with people in your field is one of the most important things you can do when starting. You never know where else they may be able to help you down the road, whether it's by referring you for a job if something comes up or even offering you an internship themselves once they find out that school has ended for the summer!

Whether it leads to future opportunities depends on how well and eager someone does during their internship at a company. Networking within companies is very valuable, especially since many different departments need interns every semester, which could lead to offers if one does not get selected for their first choice of preferred department, etcetera.

You'll be able to ask those who have been working for years how they got their careers off the ground and what advice they would give to someone starting, which will help you avoid mistakes that could set back your career later on. In addition, having this kind of personal connection with people within an industry or company always looks good when applying for jobs down the road.

§  There are usually opportunities for promotion or full-time employment at the end of an internship program.

Employment opportunities are usually up for grabs at the end of an internship program. There have been instances where interns were fast-tracked to full-time employees due to their success during their tenure as an intern.

There's a possibility that you may be considered for a permanent position once your internship is up if you've fulfilled all expectations and done well in this temporary role. A promotion may also be possible depending on the company.

You'll likely have more opportunities than you would if you had just graduated and we're applying for full-time jobs. You can take advantage of this chance to get your foot in the door at great company before everyone else does!

§  You'll have more time for personal interests outside of work because you're not commuting as often.

You'll have more time for personal interests outside of work because you're not commuting as often.

You'll be able to explore your hobbies and passions without having the pressure of taking public transportation every day or balancing both at once!

It can also be a great opportunity to spend quality time with family members who may live in different parts of the country since it's likely that you won't need to commute home on weekends after working long hours during the weekdays.

§  You'll get an idea of how much your desired salary should be

Your desired salary should be based on your internship experience. Suppose you know the average salary for someone in this industry. In that case, it will help you negotiate a more reasonable starting wage once it comes time to formally apply for jobs or talk to recruiters about full-time positions.

This is especially important if your performance was exceptional during your internship and there are multiple companies interested in offering you a job upon graduation—you'll need an idea of how much money to ask for!

Not only that but knowing what other people with similar qualifications are being paid will give you an idea as to whether or not the company's initial offer seems fair. This can also make it easier when negotiating benefits like health insurance premiums, vacation days, bonuses, etcetera.

§  An internship will give you more confidence in yourself and what you're capable of doing.

You will develop more confidence in yourself and what you're capable of doing.

You'll learn more about the industry, how companies work, and be able to make connections with professionals who can help your career later on down the road—all things that will boost your self-esteem!

It's important that people feel confident when starting their professional lives; if one doesn't believe they are good enough to accomplish something, it won't happen. Taking an internship is a great way to build up this sense of motivation because they have already started working for someone else. It allows them to see whether or not this job is right for them before committing long-term (which would also mean moving).

This makes taking an internship seem like a low-risk event that will give you more insight into whether or not the field is right for your personality and work style.

To recap briefly, these are the main points of this blog post: - You'll have more opportunities than just being a graduate looking for full-time jobs. - An idea of how much your desired salary should be when applying for other positions later on down the road or talking to recruiters about full-time employment offers. - Increased confidence in yourself and what you're capable of doing because you'll learn more about industry professionals who can help your career in the long run. At the same time, getting started working for someone else first before committing fully (means moving). Internships are great ways to get your foot in the door while increasing self-esteem and starting your professional career on a low-risk path with more opportunities. This is why it's important to take an internship as a fresh graduate!

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