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5 min read

Progressing In Your Career - What To Do And When To Do It

The job market of today is very different to what it once was. It has changed so much even over the last decade and is almost unrecognisable from fifty years ago. It is now fast paced and dynamic, often relying heavily upon technology to function. In this ever changing job market, situations can evolve in the blink of an eye and opportunities can be here one minute and gone the next.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 22, 2023

The job market of today is very different to what it once was. It has changed so much even over the last decade and is almost unrecognisable from fifty years ago. It is now fast paced and dynamic, often relying heavily upon technology to function. In this ever changing job market, situations can evolve in the blink of an eye and opportunities can be here one minute and gone the next. Therefore it is essential to seize any lucrative chances to enable yourself to manage and ultimately progress your career as soon as they arise.

So what should you be considering? What strategies should you be implementing in order to put yourself in the best position for asserting when the best time is to make an important decision or change in your career?

You must take considerable time to evaluate what your goals and ambitions are before making a career move. Become clear within yourself just what it is that you want to achieve and if a career or job move would align with this. This is a form of self assessment so be very honest with yourself.

Think about the job you are in now and weigh up all the pros and cons of staying where you are or moving on. There is much to consider such as experience and learning, as well as how the company progresses staff through promotions and how the company recognises and acts upon the talents of its staff. Once again, timing comes into play here as if you are still learning or feel there is still more the company can offer you, then now may not be the right time to make a move. Only you can decide.

While you are planning your long term career approach, it would be wise to build upon and expand your professional network. You've heard the saying ‘It's not what you know, it's who you know’ and while this is not to be taken literally, there is alot of truth in the fact that a good network of like minded people are likely to be in a position to offer advice, guidance and introduce you to more useful connections.

Take a look at your current skill set and how this relates to what you wish to achieve. Perhaps you could benefit from more qualifications or embarking on specific courses. It could be that you lack experience. By strengthening your skills and recognising what you can achieve, you can increase the likelihood of success in the future and make you more attractive to companies.

Another factor to consider is your financial and personal situation as the two are often interlinked. Think about how this may impact any future decisions and what impact this would have upon yourself and the people around you.

Keep up to date with job market conditions and what is happening within the industry you are interested in. Shifts can occur so by keeping constantly updated on emerging trends and patterns, you could work out the best time for a career move during a period of exceptional growth and stability.

Any progressive move will depend on timing, yet your adaptability, proactive approach and forward thinking are equally as important.

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