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Productive Time Management For University Students

Many people struggle with effectively managing their time well and for university students especially, it can be difficult to get a good balance between all the necessary coursework and studying, any additional activities that you are actively involved in and of course, your well deserved social life!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 29, 2023

Many people struggle with effectively managing their time well and for university students especially, it can be difficult to get a good balance between all the necessary coursework and studying, any additional activities that you are actively involved in and of course, your well deserved social life! On top of all of these, you may very well have a part time job to help finance your living expenses and any other obligations. As you can imagine, there is very limited time left over for a decent amount of sleep, which is how you will recharge your drained batteries, and then that very important aspect that is often overlooked - self care or ‘me time’. Self care and looking after your own wellbeing is so important and is the foundation for a good balance in everything else. Sleep well, eat well and  get some fresh air and exercise.

The key to a successful and less stressful academic journey lies in effective time management. A great way to begin to feel as though you are gaining authority on your busy lifestyle is to start with creating a to do list. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed when you have so much to do and are pulled in so many different directions but by identifying the most important tasks and focusing on completing them first, it can prevent last minute rushes and worrying about all the things you have not yet managed to complete.

Planners and calendars are essential. I prefer a traditional calendar as that way I can see everything that I have written down. Whether you prefer a traditional list or a digital calendar app, keeping track of deadlines and commitments will help you to stay organised. Of course, be honest with yourself about how much you can achieve and stay realistic.

Allocate yourself adequate time for studying, reading, attending your classes and going to the library. Stick to a routine and soon it will become a way of life for you with the time left over used for your personal time.

As a student with so much going on, it is often difficult not to over commit to invitations and activities but learn to say no if your schedule is already full or if you are beginning to feel overwhelmed.

University life is hectic, therefore you will need to eliminate distractions when you need time for studying or rest. Try to create a distraction free environment and a quiet place to work where you will not be disturbed so you can complete your tasks and be able to fully concentrate.

Complex assignments can feel much more manageable if broken down into smaller sections of work and makes you feel as though you are making steady progress. Ensure you reach out if you are struggling with your course work as there are many resources available which can offer support and guidance to put you back on track such as time management workshops and extra tutoring.

Periodically assess how your time management strategies are working then make any adjustments needed. Be prepared for any unforeseen changes in your schedule which will happen from time to time.

Effective time management is a skill that takes both patience and practice. By implementing time management techniques, university students can achieve a better balance between work and personal life. With effective time management comes significantly decreased stress levels, leaving you more time to enjoy university life!

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