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Mastering The Basics For A Successful Interview

While there’s no disputing the fact, job interviews can be competitive but if you can master the basics then you are already on the right path to securing your own success.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
December 5, 2023

While there’s no disputing the fact, job interviews can be competitive but if you can master the basics then you are already on the right path to securing your own success. It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced professional, a graduate entering the job market for the first time after university or a total novice. By understanding and then being able to implement fundamental interview techniques, then you can significantly enhance your chances of getting the job that you want.

Because first impressions really matter and people, (rightly or wrongly), will make assumptions and judgements within the first few seconds of meeting you so it is imperative that you get this right. Dressing in a professional manner and appearing clean, smart and well groomed may seem like common sense but not everyone realises that this does set the tone for the rest of your interview. Additionally, a firm handshake and maintaining eye contact will convey professionalism and confidence to the interviewer.

Many people find the prospect of talking with strangers rather daunting and this can be exacerbated during an interview situation. However, the interviewer is not there to catch you out in any way or to intimidate you when you are feeling nervous and anxious. The interviewer is there to ascertain your suitability for the role. Therefore, effective communication is key to creating a memorable and positive impression. Talk clearly and ensure your responses are concise and relevant to the question while showcasing your experience, qualifications or suitability for the vacancy.

Body language is also an important feature of how the interviewer will interpret you. Stand and sit in an upright position, avoiding slouching. This posture conveys confidence, as does occasional nodding to show how engaged you are and that you understand and are following the conversation. Be mindful of any non verbal cues that you are given from which your response will show that your overall communication is consistent throughout the interview.

e 2 'Practice mock interviews before the real interview and anticipate common questions and what your response will be. You will usually be asked about your experience, your strengths and weaknesses as well as past challenges that you overcame.The latter is quite a popular question to ask candidates so work on structuring your response to provide concrete evidence of your abilities.

Before any interview, you must research the company and know what it does, its values and what the role that you are applying for entails. This will show the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in the company. Try to align your responses to questions with the culture of the company so that you are seen as someone who can contribute to the success of the company in the future.

As the interview comes to a close, thank the interviewer for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the vacancy. You should then enquire as to what you should expect to happen next in the hiring process. This leaves the interviewer with a good impression of you and demonstrates a proactive approach towards securing a job within their organisation.

Mastering the above techniques are simple strategies that you can use in all interview situations which will help to navigate you through the whole process and increase the likelihood of you securing that job!

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