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Living And Working In Brighton

Being slightly less than fifty miles from London, it is ideally placed for easy commuting. The City of Brighton and Hove is divided into two parts and one of the two parts, Brighton is especially well known as a popular seaside resort and has been increasingly fashionable ever since George 1V was drawn to it in the 1700’s.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
February 2, 2024

Brighton is situated on the southern coast of England and is in the county of East Sussex.

Being slightly less than fifty miles from London, it is ideally placed for easy commuting. The City of Brighton and Hove is divided into two parts and one of the two parts, Brighton is especially well known as a popular seaside resort and has been increasingly fashionable ever since George 1V was drawn to it in the 1700’s.

The economic history of Brighton is one predominantly of fishing and by the late 1700’s wealthy people began to visit to bathe in the seawater which they believed held medicinal properties. The city started to really expand and thrive especially so when the railway was built in 1841 which linked London to Brighton.

Brighton understandably brings in millions of visitors each year.  A large percentage of employment has been created because of this and tourism and the associated hospitality and leisure industries continue to thrive. With a fast growing economy, Brighton offers a diverse range of employment opportunities across various industries. These include sectors such as digital and technology, environmental and renewable energy industries, advanced engineering, cultural and creative, financial and professional, health and social care and life sciences. Research has shown that Brighton is also one of the best places to start and expand a business and has a very high success rate. It is one of the fastest growing cities within the UK this year and is known for creating the right environment in which to support entrepeneurs.

Within Brighton and Hove there are two universities and several colleges, all with fantastic reputations and very high academic standards which attract the finest students from far and wide. Research facilities are world class standard in both universities. This contributes significantly to the area and plays a vital role within the economy.  Companies are attracted to Brighton because of the highly talented graduates and skilled local workforce.

The city of Brighton is vibrant, diverse, cosmopolitan and colourful. It is a city with its own unique personality and an exciting atmosphere which has become a haven for the LGBT community and is often known affectionately as the LGBT Capital of the UK. It is once again looking forward to celebrating Brighton Pride on August 3rd which will generate a significant boost for the economy as well as raising money for local community good causes.

Brighton Beach is a pebble beach characterised by a unique shingle shoreline and has recently been described as the most popular seaside destination to visit in the UK on Instagram after a study by travel and luggage experts.

You can try a variety of exciting watersports, visit Sea-Life which is the world's oldest operating aquarium, stroll along the Victorian pier and pop into the amusement arcades or sample the exhilarating variety of bars, restaurants and cafes ~ not forgetting the iconic fish and chip shops!

There are several interesting museums and many galleries with an assortment of both traditional and unusual shops where you can just about find anything and of course, the popular Brighton Market where everything is ethically sourced.

The fantastic Brighton i-360 allows visitors to observe most of Brighton and beyond, via its 162 feet tall structure with plenty of options for refreshments whilst you are up there.

However, if you prefer to explore the surrounding areas, you can visit the South Downs National Park which covers 628 square miles with its many beautiful places of interest and meander through the historically quaint villages.

It is here you will also discover the remarkable ‘Living Coast’, the Brighton and Lewes Downs Unesco Biosphere Region which has an abundance of natural heritage and culture.

Brighton is more affordable than London yet retains the energetic and cosmopolitan vibe that you would expect from a major coastal city. Brighton certainly offers the ultimate if you are seeking a lifestyle change. An appealing city, it offers a mix of cultural richness, natural beauty by the coast, excellent employment prospects and a vibrant and welcoming community spirit.

The next event being hosted by the UK Careers Fair will be held on February 9th 2024 between 10am - 2pm. The venue is the beautiful Georgian Old Ship Hotel, Kings Road, BN1 1NR which is conveniently situated on the seafront and overlooks the beach. Car parking is available nearby and alternatively there are regular bus services.

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