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Interview Tips For Shy People: How To Ace An Interview

Shy people often find the employment process to be nerve-wracking. This post contains interview tips for shy people that will help you ace your next job interview!
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Some people are naturally good at job interviews. They can ask pertinent questions, respond to their interviewer's queries in a thoughtful and organised manner, and present themselves as a well-rounded applicant for any job.

However, when you're shy, things are different, and going into a job interview might be a terrifying experience.

In this post, we've compiled a list of interview tips for shy people to help you crush your next job interview!

Do Your Research

This entails researching the industry, understanding the company's objectives, and learning a little about its history.

You may conduct an online search for the company’s most recent news and press releases or browse its website.

This will give you a better idea of the company's culture and the qualities they seek in a candidate.

Additionally, if you have access to a recruiter, be sure to ask them about what to expect in an interview with that company.

This will allow you to feel more at ease throughout the interview process.

Practice As Much As You Can

In order to succeed in job interviews, shy people must practise.

Practising not only helps you feel less stressed but can also help you show the interviewer that you have a deep interest in the role you are applying for.

For example, you could rehearse your talking points with a friend. This will enable you to get more comfortable with your pitch and identify areas that need improvement.

As you gain confidence, you'll be able to communicate your ideas better and sell yourself throughout the interview.

Prepare for Common Questions

One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to practice the questions that will be asked.

This includes common questions like "What is your greatest weakness?" or "Where do you see yourself in five years?".

There is a wealth of information about common interview questions available on the internet, so read through these resources and practice as much as possible to help you feel more confident during your interview.

Prepare for Small Talk

Small talk can feel dreadful to shy people, but it can actually be really beneficial in a job interview:

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for small talk:

●      Be prepared with conversation starters

●      Be interested in the other person

●      Listen more than you speak

●      Avoid controversial topics

●      Keep the conversation light and positive

Destress Before Your Interview

As a shy individual, the thought of being interviewed probably makes your palms sweat and your heart race.

One way to overcome these feelings is to practice some destressing exercises.

Here are a few exercises you can try:

●      Deep breathing

●      Progressive muscle relaxation

●      Visualisation

●      Meditation


Being interviewed is a skill that can be learnt and honed.

If you're shy and don't think you'd be very good at interviews, conducting thorough research and planning ahead of time will increase your chances of acing the interview.

We hope these interview tips for shy people will help you face your next interview with confidence.

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