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How To Walk With Confidence Into An Interview

A lot of people misunderstand how important it is to be able to walk into an interview with confidence to give the right impression. Some of worried that they may come across as egotistical or give the wrong sort of essence of who they are.
Written by
Emily Topping
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

A lot of people misunderstand how important it is to be able to walk into an interview with confidence to give the right impression. Some of worried that they may come across as egotistical or give the wrong sort of essence of who they are.

What people don't realise is the importance to ensure that when you are face to face (or even over a zoom call) that you allow confidence, not arrogance to seep gently through your skin to be able to show the interviewers that they are making the right decision in taking interest in you.

How do we give off this sort of confidence, that effortless aura about us that no matter whether we are physically present or online we show people without words that we are poised? Well, it isn’t as difficult as you may be thinking.

The way you speak to yourself is one of the key elements to this, a lot of people who may be looking for a job feel a little desperate and worried, so they are trying to be everything all at the same time so that they can make the biggest impression possible, and we love that you are doing that, but sometimes too much, is well, too much for a lot of interviewers.

The best way to show confidence is to be yourself, they are interviewing you because they see something within you, so use that to your advantage. Listen to what they have to say to you, are they speaking about an experience where you showed leadership? If so, you know they are looking for someone who can take control, be caring to others and also be able to deal with stress when it comes to them.

Use what you feel are your strongest points about you in your arsenal to your advantage, what makes you feel confident. You don’t need to essentially say it to the interviewer, but you need to feel it within yourself and then naturally your body will react to that.

Though you may think this is wrong, interviewers aren’t always looking for the person who says all the right things, because everyone can do that if they have researched it enough, but being yourself, being confident in your skin and what you can bring to the organisation is going to show without you having to put much effort in.

Think about what makes you confident, experiences where you felt confident, how that made you stand, sit and present yourself, and simply take that into the interview with you.

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