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How to Nail an Interview on Zoom: Our Top Tips

Knowing how to nail an interview on zoom can help you land remote jobs no matter where you are. Here are our 5 top tips to help you make a great impression.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

With an increasing number of companies conducting interviews via video call, it's important to be prepared.

And there are a number of things you can do before and during a Zoom interview to ensure you nail it.

Here are our tips on how to nail an interview on Zoom:

Steps To Take Before Your Zoom Interview

Preparing for your Zoom interview is crucial to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible:

1. Research the company

Researching the company before your Zoom interview will help you ask questions about their product or culture rather than be too general.

When researching, make sure to look into:

●     The company’s history

●     Their products

●     Recent news and events

●     How they position themselves in the market

2. Prepare questions to answer and ask

Some employers may ask behavioural questions during an interview.

Behavioural questions are designed to get a sense of how you have handled certain situations in the past.

Practice answering commonly asked questions in front of the mirror.

If there are any gaps on your CV, be prepared to explain them during the interview - this is not necessarily a red flag, but it's important that you are transparent and have a good explanation for why they occurred.

Furthermore, you should write down some questions to ask the interviewer - this could pertain to the job you're interviewing for, their company as a whole, or even their personal experience as an employee at their company

3. Choose a professional setting

Firstly, to nail an interview on Zoom, it's important to choose a room with no distractions.

Ask your family to turn off the TV, music or other noise that could interfere with your interview.

You also want to make sure that your background is professional-looking and free of clutter.

If you have an office in your home, use it as your backdrop for your Zoom interviews. If not, consider using a room divider to create a professional appearance.

4. Prepare appropriate clothing

When you have a Zoom interview, dress just like you would for a live in-person interview. This means wearing professional attire that makes you look serious about getting the job you are interviewing for.

Some things to keep in mind:

●     Choose professional clothing in muted colours like black, gray, navy or brown.

●     Avoid colourful patterns and busy designs that might not come off well on camera.

●     Iron your clothes.

4. Ensure your PC and internet are working

Testing your PC and internet connection prior to the Zoom call is crucial. You don't want any surprises during the interview!

If possible, switch from WiFi to wired Ethernet. This can be an easy way to improve your connection speed.

Additionally, disconnecting unnecessary devices will help with bandwidth management and improve the connection during your interview.

How To Nail An Interview On Zoom

Now that you have prepared everything you need for the Zoom interview, it is time to nail it!

1. Beware of your body language

Your body language will give the interviewer a better sense of who you are as a person and how you'll fit in with the team.

So, avoid looking away from the camera for too long.

Maintaining eye contact with your interviewer is an important part of giving an in-person interview. Therefore, make sure you are looking into the camera to create an eye-contact illusion.

Don't be afraid to use your hands when speaking on camera. However, try not to overuse them - excessive hand gestures can be distracting.

2. Speak clearly

Don’t be in a rush when answering or asking questions.

Speaking slowly will enable you to effectively communicate all of your great accomplishments to your interviewer.

Additionally, this will help the interviewer understand you better and make sure they don't miss anything important.

3. Listen before you answer

Listening carefully to the questions your interviewer asks and taking your time before answering is critical.

Not being in the same room makes it hard to know when the other person has finished talking, so you will have to be extra careful so that you don’t speak over your interviewer.

4. Ask your interviewer questions

Asking questions shows that you're interested in the role and the company. And you should aim to ask all the questions you prepared prior to the interview.

These questions will help you get a sense of the company's culture and the team dynamics and give you an idea about whether or not this position is a good fit for you.

Ideally, it is best to wait until the end of an interview to ask relevant questions.


Zoom interviews are no different from live interviews.

Preparing yourself in advance is key and will give you a much higher chance to nail an interview on Zoom!

Looking for more on Interview Advice? Check out our latest articles to ensure you get the best top tips when preparing for a big interview!

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