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5 min read

How to Leave a Great Impression at Career Fair Visits

If you’re currently looking for a job, you’ll find the greatest competitors, mostly at career fairs. Take note that all of you have the same goal, which is to land a job. That’s why it’s so important to stand out among all the ambitious job seekers like you at career fairs.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

If you’re currently looking for a job, you’ll find the greatest competitors, mostly at career fairs. Take note that all of you have the same goal, which is to land a job. That’s why it’s so important to stand out among all the ambitious job seekers like you at career fairs.

Now the hiring specialist may already have a ton of resumes in hand. But, how can you make yourself known and remembered once you sit across their table? Here are some tips on how you can make a great impression at your career fair visits:

Tip #1: Always Do Your Homework

The best edge you can have among the hundreds of job seekers is your knowledge about the organizations at the fair. Most job seekers don’t do this practice. They just go to the career fair without knowing which organizations will be there. It’s so important that you know something about them because they will undoubtedly test your knowledge. Try to visit the host of the career fair and look for the companies that will be there. Then, visit the companies’ website and read what they have to say about themselves. This way, you can answer their questions if they ask you about their company, which is really a plus point for them.

Tip #2: Always Have a Plan

A simple plan like arriving early at the location can already make a big difference, and it can already impress the recruiters. Before you go to the fair, develop your game plan. Think about how many booths you will visit, and prepare questions that are suitable for the company. This way, the recruiters will remember you as someone prepared, organized, and confident. Your plan can also reduce your stress because you already know what to do once you get there.

Tip #3: Dress to Impress

First impressions are essential when you enter the career fair. Think of the career fair as a mini-interview. You should dress professionally so that the recruiters will view you as someone professional. Don’t worry if you’ve gained the best dress award at the fair because that’s an easy way for you to stand out. Ensure that your attire is something formal, your hair is well-groomed, your nails are clean, and your breath is fresh.

Tip #4: Prepare Your Introduction and Elevator Pitch

Don’t forget to prepare how you would introduce yourself once you’re in front of the recruiter. The introduction may depend on the situation, but generally, you should let the recruiters know who you are and what you do for a living. You should also prepare your elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a 20-30 second narrative of your career goals and something about your background that has led you to that goal. It must be quick and smart that can make the employer want to hire you.


These are just some of the simple preparations you can do before the career fair so that you can have a chance to stand out and leave a great impression on employers. Remember, you have a lot of competition during that day, so you have to work hard for the recruiter to choose you. Don’t miss your chance to land a job at career fairs, so do everything you can to nail your performance.

If you are looking for different career fairs near you, check it out at The UK Career Fair! We are the leading provider of recruitment events, job fairs, and career fairs in the United Kingdom. You can meet local and national employers face-to-face and apply directly for hundreds of vacancies at different fairs in Newcastle, Glasgow, Brighton, Cambridge, and more. Browse our website today to find out the next career fair events!

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