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How To Avoid Common Interview Mistakes!

Even the most confident of people suffer from some degree of anxiety before an interview. Attending a job interview is without doubt, a nerve wracking situation for most job seekers. Sometimes, feeling anxious during an interview can lead to making mistakes and may ultimately cost you a potential job. It is therefore extremely important to be adequately prepared for all interview scenarios in order to reduce the chances of feeling overcome with nervousness.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
October 18, 2023

Even the most confident of people suffer from some degree of anxiety before an interview. Attending a job interview is without doubt, a nerve wracking situation for most job seekers. Sometimes, feeling anxious during an interview can lead to making mistakes and may ultimately cost you a potential job. It is therefore extremely important to be adequately prepared for all interview scenarios in order to reduce the chances of feeling overcome with nervousness.

There are several common mistakes that many people make, so hopefully with a little forward thinking and anticipation, you can sail through your next interview and get the job!

A common mistake that is often made is not researching both the company and the role for which you are applying, prior to the interview. Most interviewers will expect you to have some knowledge and insight regarding their company and what your role would entail if you were successful. You will usually be asked questions on why you have chosen this specific company or job role to apply for so it is imperative that you research the company and also of the specific responsibilities of the role they are interviewing for. Remember, the interviewer will expect the job role and the ethos of the company to align with your talents and goals so do your homework beforehand so you can answer questions effectively.

Never overlook soft skills as often they are as essential as technical skills. Most employers look for someone who is an effective communicator, is adaptable and can work as part of a team, has leadership qualities and is proactive towards professional and personal growth. These are just examples, as there are many soft skills and of course, each job requires different qualities. Whatever soft skill you present to the interviewer, ensure you can back this up as a common question would be to demonstrate a situation when a certain  quality was effectively utilised.

Body language is a very good indicator of how you are feeling and of course, you want to come across to an interviewer as confident and professional. So, maintain regular eye contact, smile when appropriate, sit up straight and keep your hands relaxed in front of you without fidgeting. Someone who stares at a wall or the floor for example or constantly fiddles will end up giving a negative impression.

Lying about anything, no matter how trivial you think it is at the time is never a good idea. Whether it is about your previous experience, personal goals or hobbies, tell the truth.

Interviewers often ask generic questions to prospective candidates. Examples of these include asking them to tell you about yourself or what you can offer the company if offered a job. However, they are not looking for generic answers. You should respond to the interviewer by giving unique and impressive answers that can showcase your skills and experiences that align with the company’s requirements.

At the end of many interviews, you will be offered the opportunity to ask questions. This is another chance to leave a lasting and positive impression. Have at least one question ready that will demonstrate your genuine interest in the company which can show proactive engagement.

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