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CV Advice
5 min read

How The CV Has Progressed From Paper To Digital

Today’s modern world is filled with technology. Many traditional aspects are undergoing rapid transformations and one of these is how a CV is being formatted. Once not so long ago, the only way to compile a CV was to write it yourself or type it and this paper copy was then handed in to a prospective employer.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 14, 2023

Today’s modern world is filled with technology. Many traditional aspects are undergoing rapid transformations and one of these is how a CV is being formatted. Once not so long ago, the only way to compile a CV was to write it yourself or type it and this paper copy was then handed in to a prospective employer. The shift from a paper CV to a digital CV has seemingly streamlined the process of applying for jobs and opened up many new ways to showcase your creativity and your unique self expression.

The paper CV was once the only way of selling yourself and it could become quite a time consuming and rigorous process to format, print and send off your CV.However, with the introduction of the internet and communicating digitally, it soon became quite apparent that the paper CV was fairly limiting.

The creation of the digital CV soon changed how easy it could be to highlight your individual skills and experience. The digital CV is often hosted on websites such as LinkedIn profiles and job portal accounts which is advantageous for several reasons. It allows for the integration of multimedia where job seekers are able to include links to present portfolios, projects and presentations whereas this would be practically impossible on paper. Any interested employer can then have a much greater understanding of an applicant's capabilities and have some insight into their individual characteristics.

In addition, digital CV’s are very easily shared and by the press of a button can be shared to potential employers around the world. Of course, ‘back in the day’, there would have been inevitable postal delays, CV’s going missing and geographical limitations to say the least!

Digital formats also ensure regular updates which ensures that employers are able to see the most current accomplishments from a candidate.

Due to many companies now using applicant tracking systems in order to screen a CV, the rise in popularity for transitioning to a digital CV has further enhanced the usage of keywords and search engine optimisation techniques. This has helped along the chances of being shortlisted for interviews.

Despite all the positives in using a digital CV, there has been concern regarding privacy and security issues because of all the personal information that is easily accessible online. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of protecting your data and information that you do not want to be made public.

The digital CV offers unparalleled convenience and as technology continues to reshape both people’s personal lives and the professional landscape, embracing and understanding the CV in a digital format allows you to stay relevant and competitive in today's job market.

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