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Employment Opportunities and Today’s Job Market in Belfast

For the United Kingdom, one of the most densely populated cities is found in Northern Ireland. Particularly in the capital city of Belfast, which is the second-largest city of Ireland. It's always been a hustling and bustling city, and its history is so rich it even played a key role in the Industrial Revolution.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

For the United Kingdom, one of the most densely populated cities is found in Northern Ireland. Particularly in the capital city of Belfast, which is the second-largest city of Ireland. It's always been a hustling and bustling city, and its history is so rich it even played a key role in the Industrial Revolution. Ireland's linen industry, rope-making, shipbuilding and even tobacco production were all notable parts of the aforementioned history as well.

Career Development

Thankfully, Belfast is ideal for learning as well as achieving any goals you have set. Many colleges and universities alike offer opportunities for career development. Moreover, plenty of businesses offer career management programmes in-house. Queen's University, in particular, is known for student and staff training alike.


There are plenty of apprenticeships available through plenty of different avenues. Training courses can take anywhere from a year all the way to four years, much like a university course. It depends on what kind of apprenticeships are at hand, however. There are well over 250 different apprenticeships available for people who are over 16 years old.

Business enterprises that are small- to medium-sized can look into the discussion forum and networking space Belfast Entrepreneurs Network (BEN). Events and workshops are run by BEN for the purposes of networking. Small companies can promote their companies through meetings because they generally have a 'soapbox' aspect.

Technology and Tourism

Today, the city is known for being the central hub of the educational and commercial businesses of Northern Ireland. It comes as no surprise, then, that the city has a very strong workforce. Employment is higher in Belfast compared to the rest of the UK, particularly since a 2006 ceasefire that put the city at peace.

There are also plenty of historical sites stemming from that time, bringing in plenty of visitors. Tourism is pretty high, and with two airports, including an international one, it's quite attractive to tourists. With that, both tourism and information technology have become more prevalent. There are research facilities in Northern Ireland Science Park, and they're offering courses, too. Intel and Broadsoft are also there.

Real Estate

Belfast also has a brand-new Titanic Quarter attraction, which is run by a charity. It involves developments like apartments, restaurants and even hotels. Needless to say, there are plenty of available jobs in that area as well. Real estate and renting is actually the biggest part of the city's economy. People employed are usually in the public sector; other people are found in services related to business.

It's worth noting that in order to make the most of any opportunity in Belfast, a person should know how to drive. Walking distance is not really something that's feasible for some locations. Moreover, positions on site and in sales typically require being able to drive.


Belfast is the second-largest city in all of Ireland, and it's ripe with opportunity. Everything from apprenticeship all the way to full-on employment can be found there. It's a hub for technology, tourism and real estate. Opportunities also exist in the realms of real estate and renting.

When you’re through with university, it’s time to apply for jobs. Find your career path in Belfast with help from The UK Careers Fair! We are the leading provider of recruitment events, job fairs and career fairs in the United Kingdom.

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