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5 min read

Embracing Autumn In To Your Work Space

We are now in the midst of autumn and whether you follow the meteorological calendar which denotes that the season arrived on September 1st, or the astronomical calendar where the season starts on the autumn equinox, (this year it was the 23rd of September), there’s no getting away from the fact that the Summer is now just a distant memory.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 27, 2023

We are now in the midst of autumn and whether you follow the meteorological calendar which denotes that the season arrived on September 1st, or the astronomical calendar where the season starts on the autumn equinox, (this year it was the 23rd of September), there’s no getting away from the fact that the Summer is now just a distant memory.

As soon as the first pumpkin latte becomes available in the coffee shops, whether a single leaf has yet to fall off the trees, for me it denotes that autumn has arrived! Autumn is often a time when many people enjoy the cosy feeling that only this time of year brings and out come the woollen jumpers, fleecy pyjamas and big thick blankets. As the weather becomes increasingly chillier and the days much shorter, people tend to want to stay indoors more and often make changes to their environment to fit in with the season.

In your individual working environment, whether this is office based or you have your own working space within your home, you can embrace the transition to colder weather which for many is personified simply as cosy season!

The traditional colours of Autumn are based on the wonderful varieties of the many different colours of falling leaves and the changing natural environment. A vibrant mixture of reds, browns, oranges and copper are often the preferred colours of the season and it is easy to incorporate this into your home work space by the use of cushions and throws. Even one carefully selected item can really transform a space and give it a whole new vibe. Textures become more soft and inviting hence the abundance of ‘fluffyness’ in the shops at this time of year. Keeping your home working space both warm and inviting is important so you feel comfortable throughout the day. Feet can often feel the cold so warm socks to keep your feet snug or even a soft rug under your feet can feel luxurious and give you that sense of cosy comfort.

Small accessories can bring the outdoors to the indoors and these can really brighten up your desk. Again, even one piece can appear creative such as a toadstool, (not a real one of course!), a few pinecones or any other item that you choose that has the theme of the season.

Scent often has the ability to uplift one’s mood and to evoke memories. Oil burners are ideal as they will fill the air with whatever seasonal aroma you wish. In fact, while I am writing this, my room has the delicate scent of cool, crisp air mingled with spicy cinnamon sticks and nutmeg! I find it helps me not only to concentrate but it acts as a reminder to me that all is well, especially if I start worrying or problems surface. I am safe and cosy.

Consider seasonal artwork or prints on your walls or desk or even display motivational and inspirational quotations which are related to autumn. These personal touches can help keep you focused during the day while you work.

Some people can only work well if it is quiet but many who work from home at this time of year find that autumn inspired music or nature sounds like rainfall or crackling fires can enhance the seasonal ambience and help with concentration on work. There are so many beautiful sounds available.

Keep an assortment of warm beverages like spiced teas or seasonal flavoured coffees in your home office so that you can enjoy an autumnal drink during your break times.

By combining these simple elements, you can effortlessly transform your home working space into a cosy and warm, working environment. This will make your work area more comfortable and conducive to productivity.

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