This is specifically about whether you need the long-standing traditional CV or Curriculum Vitae. Of course, there should be a concise profile about who you are and your work and educational format, but does it require such a standardised method?
It really does depend on what the role is and how traditional the organisation may be. However, many traditional organisations are opting to try more modern ways of talent acquisition and reviewing and accepting applicants.
Keep the CV, but expand digitally
The short answer is that you should still have some type of a CV, but in many cases, it has been reduced down to what US-based resumes look like. Even if you have a decade of experience or more, it's all about keeping everything concise to as few pages as possible. Where you're able to expand and showcase your expertise further, should a recruiter wish to elaborate on their research into you, or on professional social media sites such as LinkedIn.
Having this professional digital presence is important as it will help with having a tidy and digitised place to have your work experience, contact information and ever-growing network. It also helps to show those you're applying to if you know people within the company or follow others there.
Craft a CV that shows you from a different perspective
Another approach, besides the digital social media approach, is creating a CV that is a bit easier to read. There's a bigger push out there for CVs with your photo, your skills in gradient bars, and numerous types of contact methods and social media channels. But, again, it is also relevant to the role you're applying for.
For example, suppose you're looking to be some type of data analyst at an investment or banking firm. In that case, you may be wanting to include links to some datasets you've worked with, track records of paper trading histories you have, and any other visuals that show you're capable of the job.
Maybe you're in social media and want to show your user community and growth, as well as how you lay out and manage your personal content. This is where you focus on link sharing to channels you've supported, backed by data charts of your growth.
A Digital World
It's hard to tell how long the traditional CV will still hold relevance, but for today it is still the best way to approach a job vacancy regardless. So the question isn't about whether to have a traditional CV, but it's about what else to add on top of it to show yourself as the best candidate over others.
With the heavier competition of candidates, the more you’re able to showcase your abilities in a practical way in addition to your CV, the better chances you have of showing that wow factor and getting yourself the interview and, ultimately, the job.
Keep it professional, and don't go overboard with the design elements; and you should have outstanding supporting documentation.
Having the right CV is just the first step of many that you'll take to leave unemployment forever. At the UK Careers Fair, we provide job applicants to find openings and opportunities to find their new corporate home. Signup with us to get updates on the latest recruitment events and career fairs in the UK!