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5 min read

Discipline Awareness For Your Career

I once had the pleasure of knowing a gentleman who was extremely old. Each time I asked him his age, he would tell me a different one ranging from seventy six to one hundred and one!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
December 6, 2023

I once had the pleasure of knowing a gentleman who was extremely old. Each time I asked him his age, he would tell me a different one ranging from seventy six to one hundred and one! He had lived a long and very interesting life. He had lived in many different places in the world and had met some fascinating people which had certainly added to the rich tapestry of his adventurous life. I was mesmerised by his stories but whenever I asked him what the secret was of his long life, his ability to interact with others so well, the successful jobs that he had worked hard in, his influential acquaintances that still remembered him every Christmas, his fierce independence and of his positive spirit despite having significant health problems, his answer was always one word - discipline.

Discipline is a very powerful tool to have at your disposal. Discipline does not need to be harsh or forced upon anyone within the workplace yet if discipline is understood and made to work in everyone’s favour then it can become the cornerstone of personal and professional success. It is the ability to remain fully focused, organised and committed to responsibilities and goals. To instill discipline into your own way of working or introducing a more disciplined environment within your workplace can have significant benefits and increase productivity.

Discipline ensures that consistency follows. If you have a structured routine and adhere to it without fail then you are far more likely to maintain a high level of productivity. Completing tasks on time, meeting deadlines and avoiding any procrastination becomes second nature.

We all know that setting goals and then working towards achieving them is essential for growth within your career. Discipline helps to break down your goals into more manageable steps and have the vision to create a clear path towards success. Whether it is completing a project, achieving sales targets or working diligently towards a promotion, disciplined individuals will never falter off their road to attain their objectives.

Effective time management is a skill which is closely linked to discipline and those who practice it are able to prioritise tasks, use their time wisely and eliminate unnecessary distractions. This leads to increased efficiency which is how successful companies work.

To be disciplined within your job is a sign of a true professional. It demonstrates that the job is taken seriously and that there is a commitment to deliver the highest quality of work possible. Colleagues and those in management roles certainly appreciate employees who can always be relied upon to meet obligations. Disciplined employees are more likely to be considered for leadership roles or promotions as they exhibit qualities such as reliability, accountability and self motivation, all of which are highly valuable attributes to have in this competitive job market of today.

A lack of discipline can often lead to stress, missed deadlines, mistakes being made, rushed and imperfect work and this can create unnecessary pressure so by executing discipline, it allows you to plan tasks in a systematic manner.

Discipline enhances that all important work life balance that most professionals seek. Managing your time well and completing tasks efficiently, allows for the time that is for yourself, away from work without worrying that you have missed deadlines or have to try to catch up on work during your time off.

Discipline encourages critical thinking and problem solving so when challenges are encountered, a disciplined approach allows you to stay composed and have the ability to assess situations rationally to find effective solutions.

A disciplined professional is adaptable to changing circumstances and is ready to embrace new responsibilities which is imperative in the many rapidly changing industries of the current job market. It can instill personal growth which gives a sense of resilience and motivation that can extend beyond the workplace and impact positively in many aspects of life.

Being disciplined in the workplace is not about being rigid but more about creating structure that maximises and encourages potential in all involved. By cultivating discipline in your professional life, you can help pave the way for a highly successful and fulfilling career.

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