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5 min read

Different Ways to Know a Perfect Time is Right for a Career Change

Are you feeling restless? Do you feel like the work that you are doing is not fulfilling your needs anymore? If so, it might be time to consider a career change. But how do you know when the perfect time for this decision has come?
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Are you feeling restless? Do you feel like the work that you are doing is not fulfilling your needs anymore? If so, it might be time to consider a career change. But how do you know when the perfect time for this decision has come? The answer to that question depends on what type of person you are and your goals. In this blog post, we will explore different ways that can help determine if now is the right time for a career change.

Ø The reason you want to change job

There are different reasons why people change jobs. It could be that your current work is no longer what you expected or that there's not much room for growth in the company. People also leave their job to get away from bad bosses and colleagues who make them unhappy daily. Career changes can mean changing roles within the same industry (for example, moving into marketing after working as an accountant), switching industries completely (from finance to fashion), or even starting up your own business!

Change jobs, if you struggle to go to the office and can't wait to go out

When you don't want to get out of bed in the morning to go to the office and then, at work, you constantly look at the clock waiting for it to be 18, this is the first sign that suggests you to change jobs.  

In fact, everyone can have a "bad day", but if dissatisfaction and discontent become a "background noise" that undermines your well-being, it is necessary to intervene, even more so if the discomfort increases over time with possible psychosomatic disorders.

Ø When to make a career change?

- So when is the perfect time for a career change? When you're, you're unhappy.

- If you are unhappy, it does not mean that your situation is hopeless. It simply means that this career change might be the best thing for you to do right now.

- The best way to know if a job change is appropriate or how likely it will be successful? Ask yourself these questions:

Why am I doing what I'm doing at my current job? What about it makes me want to continue with this line of work? Is there another reason why you should stay in this profession other than because "it pays well/you don't have any better offers/the hours are short/etc.?" Have you questioned whether anything else would make more sense - money aside?

- Take the time to think about these questions. If you can come up with any reasons other than money, then it might be a sign that your heart is no longer on this career path and that changing jobs would be perfect for you at this point!

Ø Motivation in your present career

Also, a decrease in motivation in your present career, boredom, and lack of career growth are all good indicators that you might need to consider changing jobs.

Feelings like stress or frustration at work can also contribute to the decision to think about making a job change.

As well as feeling unhappy with your current role- this is another reason why people look into leaving their job.

Another important aspect when trying to find out if now is the right time for you to make a life-changing move is taking an honest look at yourself and assessing what makes you happy both personally and professionally? Is there anything holding back the desire to take on new responsibilities or challenge you in ways that your current role doesn't?

If the answer is ''yes'' to any of these questions, it might be time for a change.

And if so- would now be the right time for this career switch?

When thinking about a job change, one final thing is how much money you want or need from your new position. If there's not enough financial gain from making a move, then perhaps wait until better opportunities arise. On the other hand, doing something that will make more money can also mean tackling an entirely different industry which requires completely learning and re-learning everything you know again! So keep all things financial in mind, too, before going through with anything drastic.

Lastly, what are your long and short-term career goals? Are you looking to stay in the same industry, or do you want a completely different challenge instead?

These are all important things to consider when changing careers- but remember that sometimes it takes time for everything to fall into place!

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