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5 min read

Creating a Charity CV - What You Should and Shouldn't Include

Everyone knows that when you're out in the arena in search of a job, it can be a rough and competitive journey. With that in mind, one of the essential survival tools you must have is a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV) that can help sell you as an individual and help you land a job.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Everyone knows that when you're out in the arena in search of a job, it can be a rough and competitive journey. With that in mind, one of the essential survival tools you must have is a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV) that can help sell you as an individual and help you land a job.

Although having a CV is a no-brainer element in job search, many are still unsure how to create a proper one. How do you find the perfect balance when creating a CV? How do you showcase your talents and skills without overselling? Is there something you need to do differently when you're tapping into a specific industry or non-profit sector?

When you're looking for a job at a charity, there are some things you need to consider. If anything, you need to prove to the employer that you're the right person to help drive their organisation's cause; that's why creating a charity CV is a bit different from other CVs.

Before you go to a job fair and apply for jobs, here are some things you need to know about creating a charity CV. Let's get to it!

What Should I Include in My Charity CV?

Besides the standard skills and previous experience, there's one important thing that you should include in your charity CV — passion. It's important to let them know why you want to work for their charity and its initiatives and how you could help drive their mission. For you to do this, here are some things you can mention:

  • Related Work Experience: For people shifting from a private sector to a nonprofit, it's crucial to mention the skills and relevant experience you learned in your previous job. However, you should mention how your previous work experience in the private sector can help give a fresh perspective to the nonprofit you're interested in joining.
  • Wanting to Make a Difference: There's no denying that the reason you want to work in a nonprofit is your urge to make a difference in your community. With that being said, let them know that you care about their mission and that volunteering is in your blood and soul. When your employer feels your passion, you'll have more chances of landing the job.
  • Transferable Skills and Soft Skills: Some of the most important skills one must possess when working for a nonprofit are exceptional communication skills, empathy, and sensitivity, especially when building relationships. Compassion, empathy, and kindness are soft skills in high demand in this sector since you'll be exposed to different environments and situations that are rather difficult or extreme.

The Bottom Line: The Job Hunt is a Competitive Battlefield, So It's Best to Have a Clean and Straightforward CV

One of the best ways to win the hearts of potential employers is by having a straightforward and well-thought-of charity CV. By showcasing the appropriate information, such as relevant work experience, your passion for charity, and essential soft skills, you'll get a higher chance of landing the nonprofit job of your dreams.

How Can We Help You?

If you're ready to jump into the real world and search for a job that fits your skills and expertise, it's time to dive into an online career fair and find the perfect company for you.

Whether you're seeking jobs in the private sector or want to dip your toes in non-profit organisations, you'll definitely find one that fits your skills and career goals at The UK Careers Fair.

We are the leading provider of recruitment events, job fairs, and career fairs in the UK. Not to mention, we also offer career advice, articles on career trends, and career statistics to help you understand the current job market.

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