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Cost Of Living Payments Autumn 2023

From Tuesday October 31st until Sunday November 19th, approximately eight million people who live in the UK will be receiving their second cost of living payment.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 6, 2023

From Tuesday October 31st until Sunday November 19th, approximately eight million people who live in the UK will be receiving their second cost of living payment. The positive aspect is that there are no tricky forms to fill in because individuals and families who are entitled to the payment will be paid the money directly into their bank accounts so no one needs to worry about applying for it as it is an automatic payment.

This is the second cost of living payment out of a total of three that is being paid which totals £900. The first payment was paid earlier in the year and the third and final payment is scheduled for Spring 2024 with the exact date still to be confirmed. The cost of living payments are designed for those who are on low incomes to help navigate through the current financial climate of higher bills and food prices and general cost of living costs such as essential goods and services.

People who receive benefits such as universal credit, income based job seekers allowance, income related employment and support allowance, income support, working tax credit, child tax credit and pension credit should be entitled as long as they were receiving these benefits on certain dates. People who receive only working tax credit or child tax credit without other benefits will receive their payments slightly later than the others. Unfortunately those who are on the New Style Job Seekers Allowance or New Style Employment and Support Allowance or contributory Employment and Support Allowance are not eligible for the payments.

All the information that you will need are on the government website including contact details if you need to make a query regarding non payment if you think you should have been eligible.

Cost of living payments were also made in 2022 and a one off payment of £150 made this summer to those with disabilities. Those of pensionable age will also be receiving extra payments.

These payments can provide much needed relief to those who may be struggling to make ends meet due to inflation and are a safety net which prevent falling further into poverty.

Other help that may be available to you include the Household Support Fund in which the government has pledged an additional one billion pounds of funding to help households and is accessible via your local council. Of course these payments are not a permanent solution to financial hardships but are more designed to help towards the current cost of living crisis.

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