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Christmas Jumper Day!

On Thursday December 7th, it is Christmas Jumper Day here in the UK in which as many people as possible are encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper for the day. Schools and workplaces across the UK will be wearing a variety of coloured and sometimes very unique jumpers which portray the theme of Christmas.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
December 7, 2023

On Thursday December 7th, it is Christmas Jumper Day here in the UK in which as many people as possible are encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper for the day. Schools and workplaces across the UK will be wearing a variety of coloured and sometimes very unique jumpers which portray the theme of Christmas. Even those who do not own a Christmas jumper can easily jazz up a plain top with some tinsel and an assortment of brightly coloured decorations!

Millions of people take part in the event and of course, it is certainly not restricted to those who are in a working environment or in a school - absolutely anyone can take part.

This annual event first began only as recently as 2012 when the charity Save The Children launched their first Christmas Jumper Day with the aim of raising money for those children who need it most. It has so far raised around a staggering £35 million pounds.

Although the official day is the 7th of December, you can host your own Christmas Jumper Day whenever you want to in December, knowing that millions of people are doing exactly the same thing - having fun and raising money for a worthy charity. After all, Christmas is the season of goodwill and  a time when we should pause, reflect and get into the Christmas spirit by thinking of others and giving selflessly.  

However, many people do not have any spare money at this time of year and worry about how they will cope financially and cover their own expenses without feeling pressured to buy a new jumper and donate to charity, despite having good intentions. Please be assured that you do not have to purchase a new Christmas jumper or donate anything if you genuinely can not. Christmas jumpers are in abundance at this time of year in charity shops, many for £1 but as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, you do not have to wear one if you do not want to.

No one has to feel as though they are obliged to donate money either. The cost of living crisis and all that is going on in the world has had huge impacts on many people. If you can’t donate financially then fine. A good heart and a few kind words and thoughtful actions to others will often far exceed any monetary value.

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