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Careers Advice
5 min read

Careers Advice: How To Show Your Boss You Are Worthy Of A Promotion

In most organisations, there are often promotions. Usually this is because your worth is identified and the company recognises that it does not want to lose you. Attributes such as your skills, experience, diligence, qualifications, competence, loyalty, professionalism and your eagerness to learn will be noted and could result in you being promoted up the professional ladder as and when vacancies arise.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 12, 2023

In most organisations, there are often promotions. Usually this is because your worth is identified and the company recognises that it does not want to lose you. Attributes such as your skills, experience, diligence, qualifications, competence, loyalty, professionalism and your eagerness to learn will be noted and could result in you being promoted up the professional ladder as and when vacancies arise.

Each organisation will have its own procedure and guidelines to follow when promotions become available. However, if you want your managers to be convinced in choosing you, there are several steps that will help you on your way.

If there are specific skills, experience or qualifications that you may need for a higher role, then be proactive and seek out ways to identify what exactly the criteria will be. By investing in your professional development, you will be already showing your commitment to your profession.

Take on additional responsibilities that will be required in a higher role and demonstrate that you have the ability to handle the challenges that come with an increased workload. Be willing to assist colleagues and show how versatile you can be in different situations.

Be clear in what it is you want to achieve in a higher role and why. Identify the goals and responsibilities to ensure that it is what you want then concentrate on achieving them.

Sometimes, it may seem that in a busy workplace, your efforts may go unnoticed and while this is often not the case, unfortunately it can occasionally happen. Therefore, it is wise to keep a portfolio of all your professional accomplishments and where you have shown initiative or achieved something exceptional so that you have the necessary evidence and can back up your already strong reasons for being promoted.

Finally, make sure that your manager is aware of what it is you wish to achieve. Request an informal appointment where you will have time to discuss your interest in receiving a promotion. Articulate your reasons for wanting a promotion and showcase your evidence but also be accepting of any feedback, constructive criticism or advice given to you in response. You may not be offered a position immediately but your manager will certainly be aware of your ambition and where you see yourself within the company and should be able to offer guidance on what the next steps should be.

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