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5 min read

Becoming A Sustainable Entrepreneur

Becoming greener and embracing a more sustainable way of living is not a very responsible choice to make but it is a very important one. Many more people are becoming conscious of how they live and work and what impact this may have upon the environment. All actions, whether large or small, have a ripple effect, whereby every action has some kind of impact upon something else.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
January 29, 2024

Becoming greener and embracing a more sustainable way of living is not a very responsible choice to make but it is a very important one. Many more people are becoming conscious of how they live and work and what impact this may have upon the environment. All actions, whether large or small, have a ripple effect, whereby every action has some kind of impact upon something else.

Many companies are realising that it is a wise and clever business decision to integrate a greener and more sustainable environment friendly way of working. Having high standards and integrity regarding making the world a better place will inevitably attract a loyal and forward thinking customer base who have similar standards.

The impact that we are having on the environment in today’s world is everywhere. We can visibly see it, we can read about it and we have many choices offered to us regarding options to veer towards a more sustainable lifestyle in almost everything we do.

So, if you are passionate about becoming greener and incorporating this within your entrepreneurial business structures you must initially be very clear with exactly what it is you have your focus on achieving. What issues are you particularly passionate about and how will your business have a positive impact? You must educate yourself in such a way so that you can confidently articulate in a concise and clear manner to other companies, businesses, clients and customers, your mission and aim. Always be completely transparent.

Identify from the outset, ways to minimise environmental impacts throughout all aspects of your business from sourcing products to distributing them as a finished product. Evaluate exactly what happens at each stage of your business and use this information to make informed choices.

Seek out and maintain contact with like minded ethical and sustainable sourcing partners who support ethical chains as it is important to know exactly who and what is involved in what can be sometimes a lengthy chain of supply. It must all fit in perfectly with your green commitment with no room for anything less.

Energy efficiency, water consumption, resources, technologies, recycling and managing waste products should also be considered to benefit the environment and to also be cost effective.

Employees should be educated and passionate so that you have a workforce behind you that is as motivated and driven as you are and who are actively encouraged to put forward ideas.

Stay fully informed about emerging practices and technologies. Staying ahead of the game has far reaching positive consequences by ensuring you incorporate and embrace the very latest green innovations into your sustainable and highly respected business.

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