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Become an Electrician After University: A Complete Guide

Are you looking to become an electrician after university but don't know where to start? Read this guide to learn what to do next.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Today's society has no shortage of people looking to enter the workforce. Many students graduate from university with degrees in fields that are currently not experiencing plenty of job opportunities.

These situations result in a rise in unemployment among graduates who, as a result, need to take up additional training to pursue a different profession.

Electricians, for example, are always in demand!

So, if you are considering becoming an electrician after university, read the guide below to get started.

How to become an electrician after university

In order to become an electrician after university, you will have to obtain specific certificates and follow several other steps that can take several weeks to years to complete.

Here is what you should do:

Become a domestic electrical installer

If you are not interested in becoming a fully qualified electrician and just need to find employment as soon as possible, becoming a domestic electrical installer is the best way to go.

That’s because you will need to take a course that only takes one month to complete and enables you to do small jobs like installing light features and rewiring a residential property.

As a domestic electrical installer, you are eligible to self-certify your work by registering with entities such as the NICEIC and the ELECSA.

Become a trainee to gain experience

If you would rather become a fully qualified electrician, you can look at gaining experience while studying for your qualification.

Ask your family and friends or browse the internet to see if there are any apprenticeships available in your area.

The apprenticeship will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn in the field under the supervision of a seasoned electrician.

Return to college or complete an NVQ

Becoming a fully qualified electrician entails completing a level 2 diploma in Electrical installation or a level 3 diploma in electrical and electronic engineering.

You could also pursue a T level qualification to become an installation, highway, or maintenance electrician.

Regardless of the qualification you choose to complete, a certificate will only be awarded to you after passing all exams.

The certificate will officially be the start of your journey as a qualified and licensed electrician.

Benefits of becoming an electrician

Being an electrician can be very profitable. It is one of those professions that allows you to set up your own business and expand it as much as you like.

For example, you could start off as a one-man band in a small town and use social media and word of mouth to get your first few clients. Eventually, you could start hiring other electricians to expand to other towns nearby.

But what are the benefits of becoming an electrician after university?

●      Great wages

●      Having a job that is always in demand

●      Potential of setting up your own business

●      Keeping in good shape

●      Potential of earning a passive income once your business expands


Electricians are in high demand, and the work is exciting and challenging. The salary is good, and you also get the opportunity to set up your own business if you like.

Becoming an electrician after university can be a great option if you are currently finding it hard to find work based on your degree or if you have simply realised that this is what you want to do.

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