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A Learning Organisation

Any company or organisation that recognises how important it is to offer various forms of training and learning opportunities so that its employees can benefit and the company continually progresses and undergoes positive changes, is a learning organisation.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
June 1, 2023

Any company or organisation that recognises how important it is to offer various forms of training and learning opportunities so that its employees can benefit and the company continually progresses and undergoes positive changes, is a learning organisation.

This has many benefits for the organisation as a whole which would otherwise stay the same and become stagnant. Some of the benefits include having up to date knowledge and skills with which to deal with clients and customers alike. The company becomes more able to deal with competitiveness and able to deal with the pressures that business brings.The reputation of a company is often built on their quality of service and highly skilled workforce.

Staff become more motivated and positive as they move through their learning, therefore becoming more competent, innovative and showing increased productivity. When staff enjoy their role and feel appreciated then staff turnover decreases and any recruitment costs are decreased which is an important factor. Recruitment and retention can be costly. Furthermore, no one is attracted to work for a company where staff are regularly leaving their roles because there are no opportunities or advancements due to little or no investment from a company into  their own employees.

There are many different ways in which an organisation can deliver different methods of training and this can be work based where you learn in the working environment with which you are familiar, perhaps with a mentor who already has built up a large skill level and knowledge. Digital learning can include many different ways which include online courses, webinars, podcasts, downloadable information and specialised apps. Sometimes companies utilise the expertise of other specialised businesses whereby they visit the establishment or offer training days at their base and offer to teach various skills so employees can become competent in areas which they currently lack.

When companies offer learning opportunities it proves that it really values its employees growth and development. It fosters a continuous culture of improvement which is an attractive factor for potential job seekers as well as retaining current employees.

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