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A Guide to Sports Careers

If you’re passionate about sports, you should consider one of the many available roles in the industry. You don’t have to be a famous athlete to follow your passion; there’s plenty of rewarding roles that will enable you to do what you love.
Written by
Mizio de Sousa
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

If you’re passionate about sports, you should consider one of the many available roles in the industry. You don’t have to be a famous athlete to follow your passion; there’s plenty of rewarding roles that will enable you to do what you love.

P.E Teacher

Being a physical education (P.E) teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs in sports. You’ll be responsible for the sporting education of primary and secondary school students and training the next generation of athlete stars. As a teacher, you’ll prepare lessons, coach sports clubs, assess student development, and organise events.

The most common way to become a fully qualified P.E teacher is to earn a degree followed by a professional graduate diploma in education (PGDE) with a focus on physical education. You’ll begin your Initial Teacher Training and end with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) during that period. You could also follow a school-led programme instead of the PGDE to earn your QTS.

Sports Coach

To become a sports coach, you’ll typically need to earn coaching badges. The federations that oversee most sports offer training to those interested in coaching at all levels. Most coaches start with younger kids and progress up the ranks until they reach a position that they’re comfortable in.

To be a successful coach, you’ll need to be a strong leader, have good communication skills, and have a solid understanding of the sport you plan to coach. Other than the coaching qualifications, there are no other certificates required to coach sports. However, a sports degree could help improve your chances of landing a competitive position.

Sports Physiotherapist

As a sports physiotherapist, you’ll be responsible for identifying and treating sports-related injuries. Proper treatment is essential to a quick and successful recovery. You could find yourself working for a sports club, a gym, or a physiotherapist clinic.

The most common way into the role is through a degree in physiotherapy accredited by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists. Once you complete your course and have clinical experience, you can start specialising in sports injuries.

Instead of the University route, you could do an apprenticeship, which will earn you money during four years of study and provide you with valuable hands-on experience.

Sports Psychologist

As a sports psychologist, you’ll be in charge of the mental well-being of athletes. Sports can be a competitive and challenging environment, which can take a severe mental toll on athletes. You’ll be tasked with identifying problem areas, helping patients talk through their difficulties, and reporting problems to the club.

To become a sport psychologist, you’ll need a psychology degree that’s fully accredited by The British Psychological Society (BPS). A Masters degree should then follow that in sports psychology, where you’ll start specialising in the field. If your degree is in an area outside psychology, you could opt for a psychology ‘conversion’ course, which packs a full psychology degree into one year of study.

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