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CV Advice
5 min read

A Guide to Creating a CV

Putting together a good CV may seem like a difficult task but once you know how to do it, it is rather simple. But there are a few things that make a CV, and you need to ensure that they are included. So, we have put a few tips together for the next time you need a CV.
Written by
Daniel Martin
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Let's be honest, not a lot of people like CVs and even less like writing them, but they are needed when it comes to finding and securing a role in a company. A good CV gives you a little nudge in the right direction when it comes to potential employers, a well-written one can get you even further. Therefore, when you were told in school that you need a good CV, they weren't lying to you, it can be your ticket to getting the role that you want.

Putting together a good CV may seem like a difficult task but once you know how to do it, it is rather simple. But there are a few things that make a CV, and you need to ensure that they are included. So, we have put a few tips together for the next time you need a CV.

The Basics

Even though we want a CV to essentially sell ourselves to a potential employer, there are a few little things that are needed within a CV for professional reasons.

This is personal and contact information, your previous work career, education and qualifications, any other experience or skills that are related to the role that you are applying for, references, personal interest/achievements/hobbies - this is to make it more personable!

No more than two pages

Do not make it too long, people do not have time to read through it all so they will start skimming over the content, which isn’t going to get the same impact.

A CV is ticking boxes, that is what the person reading it is doing, they are just ensuring that you are going to be worth the time pursuing to see if you would fit the role, so don't waffle, keep it concise and the point.

What job are you going for?

A lot of people make a CV that can be used for a variety of different roles and industries, we do not recommend this. The general information, like some of the basics that are stated above, can stay the same.

Take the role that you are applying for and make sure that you directly relate it to that role. Does a hobby relate to the role you are going for? Do you have a certain skill that would be beneficial in that role? Then link them together within the CV, makes the CV unique and more desirable.


This is super important! This section is about other people agreeing with what you have said about yourself already, and not only that they are going to sell you further. If you have a good reference this could be the tipping point on whether you get an interview or not.

So, make sure you take the time to pick some good references from the last few jobs you have had.

By making sure these four sections are covered, will allow you a better foundation to work with when it comes to your CV and becoming more successful during the job-seeking phase.

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