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A Guide on Exhibiting with The UK Careers Fair

Are you looking for an effective way to connect with potential candidates and showcase your organization in 2023? Exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair is a great way to achieve this and can provide numerous benefits for your organization.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
May 22, 2024

Are you looking for an effective way to connect with potential candidates and showcase your organization in 2023? Exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair is a great way to achieve this and can provide numerous benefits for your organization.

The UK Careers Fair is a popular and well-attended series of events held in 60+ locations across the UK. It provides a unique opportunity for organizations to connect with talented individuals looking to embark on a new career. Exhibiting at the fair allows you to showcase your organization, its offerings, and its culture and can provide valuable exposure and opportunities for recruiting emerging talent.

So, how does it work? Here is a guide on exhibiting with The UK Careers Fair:

  1. Choose your event: The first step is choosing the most convenient and relevant event for your organization. We host events in a range of locations throughout the UK, so you can choose the most suitable one.
  2. Book your exhibit space: Once you have selected the event you would like to attend, simply book your exhibit space on our website. This will provide you with a dedicated space to showcase your organization and its offerings.
  3. Prepare for the event: Your dedicated account manager will work with you to prepare for the event, including providing guidance on pre-event promotion and logistics. We also provide an exhibitor pack that includes everything you need to make the most of your experience at the event.
  4. Attend the event: On the day of the event, arrive at the designated time and set up your exhibit space. You will have the opportunity to meet and connect with potential candidates, showcase your organization, and gain exposure through our pre- and post-event promotion.
  5. Follow up after the event: After the event, your dedicated account manager will be available to provide support and guidance as you follow up with potential candidates. We also provide a post-event mailshot that can help to generate ongoing interest and engagement with potential candidates.

Exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair can provide numerous benefits for your organization. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Connecting with potential candidates: Exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair provides a unique opportunity to connect with potential candidates in person. This can provide valuable insights and can help you to identify the best candidates for your organization.
  • Showcasing your organization: Exhibiting at the fair allows you to showcase your organization and its offerings to a diverse and talented audience. This can help to generate interest and awareness among potential candidates, and can provide valuable exposure for your organization.
  • Pre- and post-event promotion: As an exhibitor at The UK Careers Fair, you will have the opportunity to take part in pre- and post-event promotion. This can provide valuable exposure for your organization and can help to generate awareness and interest among potential candidates.
  • Dedicated account manager: When you exhibit with The UK Careers Fair, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will work with you to prepare for the event and provide support and guidance throughout the process.
  • Exhibitor pack: We provide an exhibitor pack that includes everything you need to make the most of your experience at the event. This includes information on pre-event promotion, logistics, and post-event follow-up.

Overall, exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair is a great way to connect with potential candidates and showcase your organization. It provides a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face and build lasting relationships with talented individuals who are looking to embark on a new career. If you are interested in exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair, please visit our website for more information and to book your exhibitor space.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair also provides the opportunity to take advantage of our other services and offerings. For example, we offer a feature on our jobs page, where you can post job listings and connect with potential candidates. We also offer a social media poster with a circulation of over 500,000, which can provide valuable exposure for your organization.

We also offer a book-with-confidence guarantee, which allows you to book your exhibit space with confidence and flexibility. If for any reason you are unable to attend the event, you can switch and swap your event date free of charge. This allows you to book with confidence and ensure that you can participate in the event that is most convenient and relevant for your organization.

In summary, exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair is a simple and effective way to connect with potential candidates and showcase your organization. It provides numerous benefits and can provide valuable exposure and opportunities for recruiting emerging talent. If you are interested in exhibiting at The UK Careers Fair, please visit our website for more information and to book your exhibitor space.

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