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A Basic Introduction to Getting Hospitality and Tourism Jobs

Leisure is a must in so many instances in a person’s life, making an almost endless demand. Even during the COVID-19, the clamour for hotel accommodation, great food service and more had never stopped. In fact, it almost placed even more emphasis on just how needed hospitality and tourism is.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Leisure is a must in so many instances in a person’s life, making an almost endless demand. Even during the COVID-19, the clamour for hotel accommodation, great food service and more had never stopped. In fact, it almost placed even more emphasis on just how needed hospitality and tourism is.

Deciding to get a career in hospitality and tourism can bode really well for one’s future, but it can be challenging considering the time spent and lost. If you’re wondering what exactly you should know before committing to a job in that field or how to prepare in applying for these jobs, continue reading.


Qualifications can vary on what type of job you’re looking for in hospitality and tourism. It can span through plenty of roles and positions in the company, making it hard to narrow down the exact requirements. A few jobs of hospitality and tourism management that you can eye are travel agent, flight attendant, hotel manager, restaurant service manager and more.

Some employers are likely to prioritise hiring those who already have prior experience, but there are entry-level roles you can try going for as well. Participating in a graduate scheme and becoming a trainee can help you in that regard. Bring a CV and cover letter that will help a company understand why you deserve the role and what you can bring to the table.

Needed Skills

A show of skills can be a turning point in whether you’re hired or not in hospitality and tourism. A good skill set is already a great foundation and helps employers see your potential. Hard skills such as sales and marketing will be key for most management positions. Industry awareness and knowledge of hotel operations will also be beneficial to acquire and show.

Soft skills can be slightly different but are on the same level of importance as hard skills. This normally includes communication skills and teamwork since you’ll likely be working with a whole staff and interacting with clients throughout the course of your career. Time management, multi-tasking and enthusiasm are also some of the things employers are looking for.


The duties and responsibilities can depend on the company and work environment you end up working with. If you end up something closer to the travel niche, this usually means working at a cruise or an airport. If you go more for the accommodation niche, this means a job at the hotels or certain tourist spots.

One primary duty that’s likely to remain in almost any position is customer service. Being able to help clients have a great relaxing experience is at the core of the hospitality and tourism industry at the end of the day.


There’s quite a good amount of compensation that goes into the wages of a hospitality and tourism worker as it generally increases over time, even with most budget hotels. The base pay and the increments can depend on the stature of the company and establishment that you will be working for, though. The more prominent a place and its reputation are, the higher the wages.


Hospitality and tourism is an abundant field where you don’t know what to expect once you set foot into it. The only thing that’s certain is that the industry helps people enjoy and become fulfilled by allowing them to unwind and take a break. Taking part in that with your own role can be fulfilling on its own terms.

Looking for recruitment events to find your place in the hospitality and tourism industry? The UK Careers Fair is the leading provider of job fairs and events all over the United Kingdom. Check out a fair near you!

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