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5 Ways to be More Confident in a Job Interview

Job interviews can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences to go through. You want that job so much, and you know that everything is riding on this interview. How do you get your confidence back up for an upcoming interview? Here are 5 ways!
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Job interviews can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences to go through. You want that job so much, and you know that everything is riding on this interview. It's easy to feel like confidence isn't there when it comes down to it. Job interviews are also very different than what you're used to in day-to-day life - they require a level of professionalism not found elsewhere. How do you get your confidence back up for an upcoming interview? Here are 5 ways!

  1. Practice answering a few common interview questions

Practicing common interview questions is a must when preparing for your next job interview. Job seekers can easily find common interview questions online to handle what they will be asked in an actual job interview and give examples of the best responses.

Another good idea is to make sure you've researched the company or organization that's interviewing you, so it doesn't look like you haven't even bothered to care enough about getting this particular position with them! Job seekers can get a lot of good information about the company by visiting their website and checking out job postings online to see what they're looking for in new hires. Job seekers should also be ready to answer questions specific to their individual experience, credentials, or skill set, so show off your best attributes!

- Job interviews aren't all that bad if you have some practice under your belt. Job seekers can find common interview questions online along with examples of how great answers might sound, so it's easier for them to be confident when the time comes around for their next job interview.

  1. Make sure to smile and maintain eye contact with the interviewer

Smiling and maintaining eye contact with the interviewer are two ways to be more confident in job interviews. Job interviews can get nerve-wracking, but it is important to stay calm and remember that you have what it takes for this position or any other one!

Maintain good posture during your interview as well - do not slouch over on your chair; instead, sit up straight so you look alert and attentive. These may seem like small steps towards being a little bit more confident at first glance, but they work wonders when getting ready for an interview. If there were ever a time to make sure everything goes perfectly, then this would certainly be that moment!

  1. Try not to fidget or touch your hair too much during the interview

Fidgeting and touching your hair too much can make you look nervous. Job interviews are already nerve-wracking, so it's important to try not to do anything that can make the interviewer uncomfortable or suspicious of you. Fidgeting is a sign of nervousness and can make you look guilty, especially if the interviewer asks why. Trying not to fidget will help build confidence for your job interview.

Try practicing interviewing with a friend or family member before going on an actual interview so that you get used to being comfortable in front of other people. Job interviews are nerve-wracking experiences, but by getting used to them beforehand, it'll be less overwhelming during the real thing!

  1. Be mindful of how you sit - don't cross your legs, arms, or feet while sitting down.

Your sitting position can also convey anxiety during a job interview. Job interviews are nerve-wracking experiences, so it's important to try not to do anything that makes you look nervous or guilty of something.

Crossing your arms often shows that you're guarded and closed off, which is the opposite of what the interviewer wants - they want someone who will be open with them about their skills and abilities! When in doubt, sit straight up without crossing any body parts. Job interviews are already stressful enough as it is; there's no need to make yourself look more uncomfortable than necessary by sitting weirdly!

  1. Use positive body language - make yourself look as approachable as possible by making friendly gestures like smiling and maintaining eye contact
  • Positive body language,
  • eye contact
  • friendly gestures
  • Smiling  

Use the STAR method as a guide for answering questions - this will ensure you always have an answer to any potential question while making sure that your response is concise.

Repeat anything they say back to them, but using a different phrase or word order allows you to show that not only did you hear what they said, but you also understand it correctly.

In conclusion, confidence in job interviews can be as simple as following these ten easy ways to help you feel at ease and still get the job.

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