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4 Things to Do If You're Still Unemployed

Unemployment can be a pretty scary thought, much less an actual situation. This applies even more if you’re the kind of person who wants to keep busy to stay sane. If you’re a fresh graduate, being unemployed can be fine, so long as you’re making efforts to get a job.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Unemployment can be a pretty scary thought, much less an actual situation. This applies even more if you’re the kind of person who wants to keep busy to stay sane. If you’re a fresh graduate, being unemployed can be fine, so long as you’re making efforts to get a job. However, it becomes a problem if you’re already done with your studies, and you still haven't found a job.

Some people would say that the pressure gets to them, which is why they stay unemployed. Unemployment can be a severe problem, especially in families, because people are expected to work to be financially secure. For this reason, some things need to be done so that chances of getting a job can be higher.

What exactly should you do if you’re still unemployed? In this article, we’ll shed light on the matter. Read on below to learn more.

#1 - Make Connections

Of course, you won’t get anywhere without connections. Luckily, building a work network of your own is more accessible now, thanks to LinkedIn. LinkedIn works explicitly as both a social media platform and job finding portal.

Using this platform, you can ask other people to keep an eye out for potential job openings that they think you’re a good fit. Job hunting is a matter of connections between people, and letting others know that you’re available for a job is something that you should do.

#2 - Build a Reputation

The internet is a vast digital space, and you can use it to your advantage when looking for a job. If you’re a writer, you can post editorial or opinion articles regarding a specific topic or issue. If you’re a multimedia artist, you can set up an online portfolio to store all your works.

This is easier for those working in video production because many platforms such as YouTube allow you to create content. In a way, a YouTube channel is also a portfolio for video content creators.

Additionally, you can also interact with other people with whom you share the same interests or industries. Sharing your content with them could bring you closer to a referral with someone they know, getting you a job.

#3 - Seek Volunteer Work

Volunteer work is avoided by many people looking for a job because it often gives little to no compensation. However, what people don’t know is that volunteer work also counts as relevant work experience.

Aside from that, an applicant with volunteer work experience also gives a good impression to an employer. It sends a message that the applicant is always ready to lend a helping hand.

You can also build connections with people you’re doing volunteer work with. If they find something that suits you, you’re most likely to get a referral. Not only do you get a job if it pushes through, but you’re also helping other people.

#4 - Remember to Follow Up

This is something that many job applicants tend to overlook. You should always follow up with the employer of the company you’re applying for because it sends them a message that you’re interested in the job. Also, don’t forget to say “thank you” at the end of every message—it just goes to show that you indeed have the character and attitude they’re looking for!


While getting a job takes time, there are ways that you can get one faster. The tips mentioned above are what can help you get employed, so make sure that you follow them to the letter. If not, you’re doing yourself a disservice, and you will only be prolonging your unemployment.

If the steps mentioned above won’t work for you, another good way to get a job is to go to career events, where there are tons of job opportunities available in one place. If you’re looking for career events, The UK Careers Fair can help you! We host various career events across the UK, and the next stop could be near you. Simply go to our website and check out our events schedule.

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