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3 Soft Skills You Must Possess to Be Hired in 2022

The recent year has altered the landscape of the working world for the foreseeable future, and it has increased reliance on technological advancements considerably. From the seemingly insignificant challenges such as becoming familiar with Zoom to the critically important, like trusting those working at scientific and healthcare research, we have seen changes left, right, and centre.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

The recent year has altered the landscape of the working world for the foreseeable future, and it has increased reliance on technological advancements considerably. From the seemingly insignificant challenges such as becoming familiar with Zoom to the critically important, like trusting those working at scientific and healthcare research, we have seen changes left, right, and centre.

To ensure that you have adapted well as an employee, you must possess top soft skills to remain relevant to employers. Here are some skills companies will be looking for a potential team member in 2022 and beyond.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility

Businesses were compelled to adapt to remote learning, as restaurants and bars were compelled to modify their spaces to allow for social distance. People were all compelled to adjust to a new normal of living and working amid a global pandemic's uncertainty.

It should be no surprise that companies will be stressing the need for adaptability in their present and prospective workers in the coming years. Being adaptable implies being able to operate outside of a predetermined schedule and deal with sudden and drastic changes in the workplace, workload, or even the nature of the job. Being able to cope with changes and being flexible will be a significant soft skill to show and emphasize to prospective employers.

  • Emotional Intelligence

Until 2020, emotional intelligence may have been the most underappreciated soft talent in the contemporary workplace. Over the last several decades, the workplace has become increasingly corporatized and closely controlled. Furthermore, in some cases, it is excessively micro-managed and potentially unforgiving of unexpected events.

Workplace environments were transformed virtually overnight as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many employers are faced with the prospect of losing valuable employees due to childcare obligations. School closures were forced to restructure workplaces and workload to accommodate the capacities of employers, which was in contrast to the previous practice of doing the polar opposite.

Employers who will find any jobseeker who demonstrates apparent empathy and understanding of what it means to have "emotional intelligence" are attractive candidates in the years to come. You must demonstrate this soft skill by emphasizing and working on your understanding and patience, especially when dealing with the unexpected.

  • Communication Skills and Working Independently

When the world was more socially disconnected and divided than ever before, it is difficult to remember when people were linked together. Because of the lockdowns, many were compelled to conduct nearly all communication online. That exposes people to the unpredictability and frustration that often accompany internet communication.

The importance of your ability to communicate effectively should be emphasized as many companies look to continue remote working. Many of your critical skills in the post-pandemic landscape will ultimately revolve around your "soft skills". Adaptability, flexibility, and time-management and communication skills will essentially matter.

Employers will value the ability to manage teamwork and communication while working remotely. Employees should communicate virtually with ease and feel comfortable working independently and outside of the traditional office workspace. Likewise, employees who can and feel comfortable making decisions without being micromanaged while still producing high-quality work will be valued by employers.

Final Thoughts

Soft skills are not officially taught in a classroom or course setting. They need a certain level of emotional intelligence, but that doesn't mean it can't be acquired or enhanced. Observation and paying enough attention to others, self-reflection, and proactive personal growth may help build soft skills. To be successful at work, you must get along with everyone you deal with, including management, colleagues, partners, suppliers, clients, and anybody else you connect with while in the workplace.

If you want to apply for jobs through career fairs and more, we can be the answer at UK Careers Fair. We are a leading provider of job recruitment activities, online career fairs and recruitment events in the UK. Check out what employment we can offer today!

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