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Why Would You Leave A Job That You Love?

It is an interesting fact to know that the average person has twelve jobs in their lifetime, according to research. Of course this varies from person to person with some experiencing continuous changes of job or career throughout the years whilst some people prefer to stick to one or two jobs.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
September 27, 2022

It is an interesting fact to know that the average person has twelve jobs in their lifetime, according to research. Of course this varies from person to person with some experiencing continuous changes of job or career throughout the years whilst some people prefer to stick to one or two jobs.

In another recently compiled data analysis, over half of people employed within the UK stated that they liked their job and interestingly, it was found that this was due to the job itself and not the salary that they receive at the end of each month.

It can be very reassuring indeed to stay with the same people, Knowing exactly how much money we are earning in a job that we are comfortable with and having that general sense of familiarity and belonging.

So why do people leave a job that they enjoy? It seems that there are several reasons for this and for many it can be an individual and personal decision but here are just a few of the reasons why you may be leaving a well loved job and stepping into another unknown role.

Sometimes we may feel that there is more out there and to spread our wings and take a chance is the only way to prove to ourselves that we are capable of accomplishing more than we have done. Yes, it may be perceived as a risk but if we don’t try then we will never know our true capabilities and talents. Feeling safe in a secure job for life may be soothing but feeling free in a new environment with new responsibilities can be very liberating and rewarding.

Another job may offer us more opportunities than our present job can. Examples can be with training, promotions and even travel. We can push ourselves to realise untapped potential and increase our self esteem and sense of worth - as success increases so does how we value ourselves.

A new job may be able to offer a lifestyle that will benefit our personal or family life such as reduced or flexible hours or working from home.

The financial incentives may be so great that we could not bypass the chance to have a larger disposable income and money could be a priority for accepting a different job.

Increase in  status is also another factor that needs to be taken into consideration but often a major deciding influence can be that something comes along and offers itself to us that we know will be unlikely to present itself again. It is often a step to becoming the version of the person we were destined to be.

If you are looking for a new job or career, be sure to attend one of our upcoming events! We are the leading provider of Recruitment Events in the United Kingdom, download your free ticket now!

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