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Why Students Can Benefit From A Strong LinkedIn Profile

The jobs market of today can often be a competitive one so having a strong online presence is essential so as to unlock the huge opportunities that are available. One certain platform stands out from the rest with its ability to give students the best possible start for their future career and this is LinkedIn.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
January 15, 2024

The jobs market of today can often be a competitive one so having a strong online presence is essential so as to unlock the huge opportunities that are available. One certain platform stands out from the rest with its ability to give students the best possible start for their future career and this is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business and employment focused social media platform and is the world's largest professional network on the internet. Launched in 2003 and owned by Microsoft, it has gone from strength to strength with over 930 million active members worldwide.

A well crafted LinkedIn profile acts as your digital CV which makes it so much easier for potential employers and recruiters to find you. This visibility significantly increases your chances of being seen and discovered and your potential recognised on a global scale. Your experience, qualifications, skills, projects, goals and aspirations can all be seen by influential and invaluable professionals within your industry.

The platform is a goldmine of opportunity for networking. You can connect with a wide range of professionals to expand your circle of contacts. Engaging in conversations and showing your willingness to participate in relevant groups can open doors to mentorship, advice and potential collaborations as well as job opportunities which you would otherwise be unaware of.

By showcasing your academic achievements and projects, this comprehensive profile of who you are and what you do, not only highlights your skills, commitment and potential but demonstrates also your passion and dedication to your chosen profession.

As LinkedIn is such a powerful tool for you to research potential employers, you should be following companies which interest you, stay fully updated on their latest developments and gain as much insight as you can regarding their company culture and values. This knowledge can really help you stand out during interview situations and help you make informed career decisions.

Getting recommendations from professors, teachers and employers can add more credibility to your profile. Endorsements for specific skills will provide an overview of your strengths which then further reinforce your qualifications and assets to those who view your profile.

Stay engaged. Follow, join and interact. This goes a long way in proving your commitment and genuine interest in continuous learning.

Many employers will post job opportunities on LinkedIn, using it as their primary platform so having an up to date profile ensures you receive the latest notifications about positions that align with your skills and career aspirations.

LinkedIn is an invaluable asset for students to be building on. It is not only a platform for job hunting but is a dynamic and global space for gaining connections, showcasing achievements and staying informed. Invest time and effort into crafting a compelling profile as it could be the key which unlocks the next exciting chapter in both your academic and professional journey.

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