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Careers Advice
5 min read

Who to Talk to About Career Advice: The Ultimate Guide

Knowing who to talk to about career advice can be incredibly helpful whether you're new to the workforce or have been in it for years. Are you just starting out or looking to change your career? Learn what type of career advice is available, who to talk to and how to get career advice.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Knowing who to talk to about career advice can be incredibly helpful whether you're new to the workforce or have been in it for years.

Everyone has distinct needs and wants from their job or career, such as flexible hours or a pleasant working environment.

So, if you're considering a career change or simply want to know who to talk to about your current situation, this is the ultimate guide for you.

Who Can I Talk To About Finding a Job?

You can talk to various people about finding a job, including friends, family, and professionals. But finding someone who understands your goals and can assist you in achieving them is critical.

However, if you want to speak with an expert who can advise you on the education and experience required for a specific career or help you overcome specific problems, chatting with a career advisor, career coach, or career counsellor is your best option.

Career Advisor vs Career Counsellor vs Career Coach

People can turn to many different types of professionals for career advice, so it is crucial to understand the difference between them.

A career advisor is someone who provides advice and guidance on different aspects of a person's career. They can help with things like choosing a career, developing skills, finding a job, and networking. Career advisors may work in schools, government organisations, or private businesses.

A career counsellor provides individualised counselling to help people deal with specific challenges or problems in their careers.

A career coach helps people develop the skills and strategies they need to achieve their goals in their careers.

How to Get Help From a Career Advisor

There are many names for people who offer career advice, but only a few have professional credentials.

That is why knowing where to go for a qualified career advisor is crucial.

You could ask family and friends to see if they have any connection who could help you in your career path.

Alternatively, you can take a look at the National Careers Service for any help related to your career, learning and training choices.

You can also participate in career fairs which will allow you to meet and talk to several like-minded people, including employers who are ready to hire skilled people like you.

We, at UK Careers Fair, have helped thousands of people kick-start their careers and land the job of their dreams.

Feel free to check our events page to learn more.


When considering your career options, it is important to choose a profession you enjoy and are passionate about.

This can be tough because it is often easier to find a job that pays well than finding a job that you enjoy doing. However, money isn't everything, and if you're not pleased with your current job, it may be time to consider a change of direction.

Career advisors, coaches, and counsellors can help you make the best decisions for your future career.

As you now know who to talk to about career advice, make sure to follow your passions!

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