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CV Advice
5 min read

What to Put on a CV If You Have Never Worked?

If you've recently graduated and are looking for your first job, you may be wondering what to put on your CV if you have never worked before. How do you write a cv to land your very first job? Read this post to learn a few essential tips regarding what to put on a cv if you have never worked.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

If you've recently graduated and are looking for your first job, you may be wondering what to put on your CV if you have never worked before.

While finding a job without experience may seem daunting, you may still leverage your personal and academic skills to make your CV more appealing to potential employers.

Here are 4 tips to help your potential employer recognise why you are the best candidate for the job, even without experience!

Have An Attention-Grabbing Personal Statement

A personal statement is the first thing a potential employer will read on your CV, so it needs to be compelling and stand out from the rest of the job applications.

Keep it short and sweet, around 150 words, and provide a high-level overview of why you'd be a good fit for the job. This will entice employers to read your CV further.

Make sure to emphasise personal achievements and skills relevant to the job you're applying for. Even if you don't have any work experience, you can still showcase your lovely personality!

Leverage Your Degree and The Skills Acquired As A Student

Your degree is an excellent source of transferable skills. For example, if you wrote a dissertation, you might use your CV to highlight your research abilities. You could also include any special skills you've acquired during your university years that are relevant to the position you're applying for.

Mention skills gained through group project work or extracurricular activities that show potential employers what you could bring to their company.

Show Your Personality

Regardless of whether or not you have any previous work experience, displaying your personality on your CV will help you stand out from the rest of the applicants. Employers are interested in more than just your work history; they are also keen to know about you as a person.

Don't forget to include a list of your unique attributes and skills and any other relevant personal experiences or accomplishments. Be enthusiastic about your achievements; this will shine through your CV and help you make a positive first impression.

Include Volunteer Work

Employers value volunteer experience on CVs because it demonstrates a person's eagerness to learn more about a particular field. If you've done a lot of volunteer work, only include experiences that showcase your talents or skills that apply to the job and have equipped you with transferrable skills.

For example, if you volunteered as a teacher's assistant, this experience would demonstrate your ability to manage and organise tasks, work with others, and communicate effectively.


A CV is typically the first document an employer will look at when assessing you for any job. However, CVs are more than just a list of your professional experiences; they can also list skills obtained in personal and academic settings and showcase your personality.

So, if you are unsure of what to put on a CV if you have never worked before, follow the advice provided above, and you will undoubtedly stand out!

If you want to build a network with local and national companies to discover new opportunities, you’ll want to attend our events! As the UK's number one platform for face-to-face recruitment, we at The UK Careers Fair promise several opportunities to meet with the best companies for you. Book a ticket today!

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