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5 min read

What To Include In The Personal Statement on Your CV

The personal statement section of your CV is a crucial part of it, offering a small yet clear snapshot of the skills and experiences that you can offer a company or organisation, as well as your career goals and aspirations.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
May 11, 2024

The personal statement section of your CV is a crucial part of it, offering a small yet clear snapshot of the skills and experiences that you can offer a company or organisation, as well as your career goals and aspirations. This shows to an employer that you are both motivated and ambitious. By carefully composing the personal statement and taking time to choose the wording carefully to make a maximum and effective impact upon the reader, you can make a strong first impression and stand out from competition. Remember to customise your personal statement for each job application to ensure that it aligns with the job requirements and the culture of the company.

The statement should aim to showcase your personality traits as well as your professional suitability and unique qualities for the role you are applying for and as it's only a short paragraph at the beginning of your CV, it’s not as difficult as you may think. As your experiences and skills evolve, make sure to update your personal statement accordingly as keeping it current will accurately reflect your qualifications and objectives.

You should start with a strong and distinctive opening. Think about how you want to capture the reader’s attention immediately with  a few powerful words which highlight your most relevant  skills and achievements for the job. Focus on what makes you unique from everyone else and avoid using generic phrases, instead highlight your professional individuality.

Identify your main key skills and qualities that are most relevant for the role and place emphasis on these. You can include for example, soft skills, technical skills or any specific industry expertise that you have gained.

Provide brief examples of how you have been able to demonstrate your skills in previous roles which may include successful projects you have completed or initiated, awards you have received and any relevant positive feedback or implications due to your dedication and commitment within your area of expertise.

Researching a company beforehand is most important when applying for a job within its structure and this is where you can utilise your prior knowledge to your advantage by using  carefully selected words which reflect the company’s unique values, priorities and culture.

Once you have finalised your personal statement, check at least twice for any errors as a well written statement reflects positively on your attention to detail and professionalism. Seek feedback from someone you trust as they may be able to offer valuable insights and help you to refine and convey your message.

It takes time and effort to create a compelling personal statement which effectively highlights key information to prospective employers but by creating a statement which will have a positive impact, you will be placing yourself on the right path to success in your job search.

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