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What Not to Do In An Interview

Everyone's approach to an interview is different. Some people have had several interviews so may consider themselves experienced in the interview process whereas someone else may be getting prepared for their very first interview.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
September 27, 2022

Everyone's approach to an interview is different. Some people have had several interviews so may consider themselves experienced in the interview process whereas someone else may be getting prepared for their very first interview.

There are people who may experience several sleepless nights before the actual interview and on the other hand people who do not seem to be worried about the interview at all.

Whatever your personality type and whether or not you may be anxious about a forthcoming interview, there are certain unspoken rules of etiquette that should really be adhered to in any interview situation.

Although there are many things that you should definitely not do, here are just three things that you shouldn't be doing when it is time for that much anticipated and eagerly awaited interview! You may think these are common sense but you may be surprised to learn that not everyone is aware of what is acceptable and what is not!

Firstly, never be late for an interview. Good timekeeping is essential and you do not want the interviewer to have to reschedule their time and maybe other planned interviews because of your late arrival. Plan your journey several days in advance, test it out  and stick to the route you have chosen. Leave in good time and aim to arrive at the place of the interview slightly earlier than the actual time of the interview.

Secondly, ensure that you dress appropriately for an interview no matter what type of job the interview is for. All employers wish to see someone who is smart, clean and well groomed so take your time beforehand to plan and select a relevant outfit and to attend to your appearance. Never turn up to an interview in dirty or creased clothing or with a somewhat dishevelled appearance as it will immediately alert the employer to the fact that you are someone that does not take appearance and hygiene seriously. You want to impress the employer, not unimpress them.

Thirdly, do not be overly familiar with the prospective employer or interviewer and misinterpret their easy going manner, despite how friendly they may seem. Often, if an interviewer picks up that you may be nervous, they may want to put you at ease for the interview. This is as much for their benefit as it is for yours yet do not talk as if you were with a friend or someone that you know - remain professional, respectful and polite at all times.

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