As Monday morning approaches, some people undergo an undeniable feeling of apathy. A lack of motivation, lethargy and a general air of depression. With research stating that Monday morning is indeed the most stressful time for people, these emotions may not be as uncommon as you think.
These negative emotions often arise in people who are already experiencing feelings of being unfulfilled in their role at work and this may be due to a variety of factors. Perhaps you feel you are not valued in your place of work, you may have a demanding workload or it may even be down to unfriendly or unsupportive colleagues.
There are many different scenarios why the beginning of the working week brings about the atmosphere of hopelessness or despair. However, these are symptoms that your job is making you unhappy and you can be guaranteed that unless you address the circumstances, it won't get much better without intervention.
Many people tend to make light of the fact that Monday is a naturally melancholy time because of the prospect of a full week of work ahead. Yet it shouldn't be like that at all. Granted, not many people are overly excited at the prospect of the alarm going off after a lazy weekend of not being obliged to get up at a certain time. However, if you genuinely enjoy your job and are inspired by what you do then this should give you natural motivation to begin the week feeling positive. If it doesn't, then it could be time to have a rethink.
The negative emotions and associated stress that you may experience will undoubtedly have an impact on your health, the quality of your work and of course, your general working environment including colleagues and clients. Happiness is contagious which is why when someone optimistic and positive enters the room, you feel uplifted. Unfortunately it is the same for the negative and angry person who will walk in the room and make you feel on edge and tense. Charged emotions have the power to change the tone of the environment.
Luckily instead of just counting down the hours until Friday when work closes for yet another week, there are steps you can take to be in control of your life and to begin to eradicate the feelings of weekly gloom.
By pinpointing the actual reason that you feel down, you can start to plan to implement the necessary changes that you need and this will give you time to reevaluate your job or career.
Identify the positives regarding your work as opposed to the negatives and learn to enjoy and embrace them.
Have a Sunday evening routine where you have everything ready for the next day. Aim to have a good night's sleep.
Keep your weekend separate from work so this means not spending your leisure time thinking or worrying about work - learn how to switch off.
Give yourself something to look forward to each Monday - even something as simple as a nice lunch or popping to your favourite coffee shop on the way home.
‘Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for the whole week. See yourself getting stronger and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life’. - Germany Kent.
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