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5 min read

Summer Commutes And Delays

Statistics show that almost three quarters of workers regularly travel to work by car. As the warm weather is now upon us and hopefully here to stay over the course of the Summer months, it can be quite a pleasant experience to travel to work and back by car. The sun rises early and sets late, giving plenty of hours of daylight and the sunshine itself makes everyone feel happier.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 9, 2023

Statistics show that almost three quarters of workers regularly travel to work by car. As the warm weather is now upon us and hopefully here to stay over the course of the Summer months, it can be quite a pleasant experience to travel to work and back by car. The sun rises early and sets late, giving plenty of hours of daylight and the sunshine itself makes everyone feel happier.

However, during Summer, the roads are popular not only with commuters but with holiday makers and day trippers too which inevitably leads to delays at times so it is wise to be prepared because even a short journey, if delayed on the road, can turn into one long and often fraught journey.

Millions of extra people using the road networks can cause severe disruption and traffic jams especially on motorways. This is something that is often overlooked until you are experiencing it for yourself.

With this in mind, there are a few tips to help you arrive at work with minimal delays and feeling frazzled!

Make use of all the travel technology which will help you to get to your destination using the quickest and easiest routes. It may not be a route that you have taken before but it will help to divert you from potential traffic jams and delays and will invariably give you options to choose. Should you be avoiding peak times? Depending on the length of your travel, would it be easier to use a different mode of public transport such as getting a train? Research the different modes of transport and work out your options as it could save quite a bit of time.

It may sound like common sense, but ensure that you have fully charged your mobile phone and that you have a charger in your car. This is so you can keep your manager informed if you are delayed but also to call for assistance if you unfortunately break down. Of course, it goes without saying that mobile phones should never be used when driving. Only use it when it is safe to do so.

It is a good idea to have at least half a tank of fuel at all times as you do not want the extra stress and frustration of being about to run out of fuel if you are in a serious traffic jam. 70,000 drivers each month break down on UK roads due to lack of fuel so it is fairly common. Also, ensure your breakdown cover is up to date and your car is well maintained.

Have plenty of water available in your car within easy reach as it is very easy to become rapidly dehydrated which would make you feel unwell and may impair your reactions whilst driving. Freezing water the night before, ensures you have cold water on your commute to work.

Sunglasses will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and can make driving more comfortable if driving towards the sun itself.

Summer driving can be extremely enjoyable but it is important to be aware of the potential dangers, especially at peak times and in extreme heat.

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